The Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science is a publication of the Institute of Animal Science from the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba. It appears quarterly and comprises the following topics in the agricultural field: Applied Mathematics, Economics, Animal Genetics, Animal Science (Physiology, Nutrition and Management of Ruminants and Monogastrics, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Dairy, Beef and Small Livestock), Pastures and Forages, Rural Development, Environment, Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Production Systems, Knowledge Transaction, Technology Transfer, Technology Innovation and Extensionism. It was founded in 1967. It is an impact and mainstream journal. It also appears in numerous international indices and has received the category of Certified Journal by the Academy of Sciences of Cuba.

Publicado: 2013-05-02

Interaction genotype-environment for dairy production in Mambi cattle from Cuba

Arelis Hern?ndez, Raquel Ponce de Le?n, D. Guerra, Sonia Maria Garc?a, Gladys Guzman, Martha Mora

Evaluation of dairy performance of crossbred (Buffalypso x Carabao) buffalo cows

Yenni Garc?a, Luis Mateo Fraga, Gladys Guzm?n, Martha Mora, Daimy Garc?a, E. Padr?n

Glucose, cholesterol, total proteins and insulin-like growth factor type I values in the follicular fluid of female river buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)

Carlos Gallego, Margarita Pardo, Aline Camargos, D. Sousa, Mar?a E. Lenz, A. A. Ramos, A. M. Jorge, Fernanda da Cruz Ladim, Eunice Oba

Influence of the season on nutritional and metabolic indicators of grazing cattle in the North of Mexico

Osvaldo Reyes, M. Murillo, Esperanza Herera, E. Guti?rrez, A. S. Su?rez, Andrea Cerrillo

Physic-chemical composition of concentrated vinasse for their assessment in animal diets

Idania Scull, Lourdes Sav?n, Odilia Guti?rrez, Elaine Vali?o, Ibett Orta, P. O. Mora, Himilce Orta, Yusmely Ramos, A. Molineda, G. Coto, Aida Noda

Assessment of a probiotic based on Bacillus subtilis and its endospores in the obtainment of healthy lungs of pigs

L?zara Ayala, Ram?n Bocourt, Grethel Mili?n, Manuel Castro, Magaly Herrera, Juan Alberto Guzm?n

The use of Anacardium occidentale as nutraceutical in hypoprotein diets for laying hens

Y. Mart?nez, A. Escalona, O. Mart?nez, C. Olmo, R. Rodr?guez, Maidelys Isert, C. Betancur, Manuel Valdivi?, G. Liu

Identification and antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus strains of poultry origin

Ana J. Rond?n, Grethel Milian, F?tima G. Arteaga, Ram?n Bocourt, Mar?a J. Ranilla, J. Ria?o, Luz M. Samaniego, Zoraya Rodr?guez, M. P?rez, Marl?n Rodr?guez

Isolation of cecal probiotic bacteria and characterization in the M2 competitive exclusion medium

Marta Laurencio, Ana Rond?n, Grethel Mili?n, M. P?rez, F?tima Arteaga, Ram?n Bocourt