Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science (e-ISSN: 2079-3480, p-ISSN: 0864-0408) is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality and original research. It is open access and it is published by the Editorial from the Institute of Animal Science (EDICA), belonging to the Ministry of Higher Education, of the Republic of Cuba. The journal appears as a continuous publication with one volume per year. The articles should present contributions to the scientific knowledge, written in English or Spanish, in format PDF, XML, HTML and Epub. All manuscripts published by the journal – without exception– are distributed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Non- Commercial Attribution license (CC BY-NC 4.0 Internacional).

Its mission is to publish quality papers, which demonstrate technical and scientific developments, as well as theoretical and practical knowledge generated in the agricultural and livestock field. Its objective is to share, with the scientific community, research results developed in this specialty, mainly those that take place in tropical and subtropical areas.

The journal comprises the following topics, applied to the agricultural field: animal science (physiology, nutrition and management of ruminants and non-ruminants, microbiology and biotechnology), pastures, forages, and other plants used in livestock, animal genetics, mathematics, economics, rural development, environment, sustainable agricultural systems, knowledge management, technology transfer, technological innovation and extension processes.

The blind peer review of the manuscripts is carried out by external evaluators of the Editorial Board, experts of recognized prestige in the international scientific community. Each issue will report on its corresponding reviewers. The acceptance or rejection of a document is the responsibility of the Editorial Board and is a final decision.


Vol. 58 (2024): January-December

Published: 2024-03-08

Economic analysis of the maintenance of Cenchrus purpureus germplasm bank of the Institute of Animal Science

Amanda Abreu Cruz, A.R Hernández Montesinos, Nadia Báez Quiñones, Daymara Rodríguez Alfonso, Dayleni Fortes González, R.S. Herrera

Growth model in crossbred dairy calves on grazing with protein-energy-mineral supplementation

María I. Viamonte Garcés, D. Acosta Iglesias, F.A. Calva Moreno, D.J. Naula Campoverde

Diagnosticar: computer system for the productive diagnosis of cattle fattening units

A. Mejías Caba, J. Iraola Jerez, Yolaine Medina Mesa

Total weight of guinea pigs under feeding conditions with hydroponic green forage of barley, corn husk and concentrate

Inés Maritza Aguilar Condori, Edwin Ismael Palza Chambe, Noemí Ana María Condor Lazo, DIrene Vilma Limache Ortiz, G. Argota Pérez

In vitro effect of trees forages inclusion from the amazonian piedmont in supplements for cattle

A.R. Riascos Vallejos, R. Rodríguez Hernández, Lina Y. Quintero, Diana P. Vargas

Bioclimatic scenarios for sheep production systems in Ciego de Ávila, Cuba

J.O. Serrano, J. Martínez-Melo, Grethel L. Sieiro-Miranda, N. Fonseca, Ioan Rodríguez Santana, Aliana López Mayea, F. Matos Pupo

Development and use of Vitafert in the agricultural sector

Elaine C. Valiño Cabrera, Yaneisy García Hernández, Daymara Bustamante García, A. Beruvides Rodríguez

Stability and preservation of the probiotic additive with Lactobacillus pentosus LB-31 for animal production

Dailyn Sosa Cossio, Yaneisy García Hernández, Julio C. Dustet Mendoza, Areadne Sosa Ceijas, Yanelys García Curbelo, Yoleisy García Hernández, Nereyda Albelo Dorta

Effect of crude glycerol from Jatropha curcas L. oil on the production and quality of cattle milk

Rebeca Bonis Neyra, Daiky Valenciaga Gutiérrez, J. Á. Sotolongo Pérez, R. García López, A. Ortiz Milan, Juana L. Galindo Blanco

Evaluation of live weight and height in draft horses (Equus caballus) and their relation with animal welfare

Susan K. Hernández Lemus, Magaly Herrera Villafranca, Madeleidy Martínez-Pérez

Hormonal profile and follicular dynamics of two breeds of old laying hens on melatonin administration in Nigeria

Rosemary Ozioma Igwe, Udo Herbert, Jude T. Ogunnupebi, Isaac Ikechukwu Osakwe

Nutritive quality of Cenchrus purpureus (Schumach.) Morrone cv. Cuba CT-115 under edaphoclimatic conditions of Zamorano, Honduras

Ada. R. Medrano Escobar, Celeste C. Martínez Banegas, Y. Martínez Aguilar, D.M. Verdecia Acosta, R.S. Herrera

Productive performance, chemical characterization and energy contribution of Megathyrsus maximus vc. Tanzania

W. Pincay Ronquillo, Tatiana Gavilánez Buñay, D.M. Verdecía Acosta, E. Chacón Marcheco, J.L. Ramírez de la Ribera, R.S. Herrera

Integrated management of the fertilization for Tithonia diversifolia forage production

P. J. González-Cañizares, S. Méndez-Bonet, R. Reyes-Rouseaux, R. Rivera-Espinosa, A. Hernández-Jiménez

Determination of fructans in vegetative organs of Agave Offoyana (Asparagaceae) and its potential use as a prebiotic

A.R. Hernández Montesinos, D. Alfonso González, Dayanna Coronado Acosta, R. Reyes Fernández, Daymara Rodríguez Alfonso

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