Publicado: 2014-06-13

Degradation and recovery of swards

C?sar Padilla, Gustavo Crespo, Yurangel Sardi?as

Technological alternatives for replacement cows in the Cauto Valley

D. Ben?tez, Yanet Ricardo, M. I. Viamontes, A. Romero, O. Guevara, Verena Torres, M. Miranda, J. Guerra, C. Olivera

Alternatives for sustainable beef production in the Cauto Valley

D. Ben?tez, Yanet Ricardo, A. Romero, O. Guevara, Verena Torres, Alina Ram?rez, B. P?rez, M. Miranda, J. Guerra, C. Olivera

Extension work or innovation as process of social and group learning. Where is the dilemma?

L. Rodr?guez, M. la O, Mar?a Fonseca, Araceli Hern?ndez, Madel?n Jim?nez