The Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science is a publication of the Institute of Animal Science from the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba. It appears quarterly and comprises the following topics in the agricultural field: Applied Mathematics, Economics, Animal Genetics, Animal Science (Physiology, Nutrition and Management of Ruminants and Monogastrics, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Dairy, Beef and Small Livestock), Pastures and Forages, Rural Development, Environment, Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Production Systems, Knowledge Transaction, Technology Transfer, Technology Innovation and Extensionism. It was founded in 1967. It is an impact and mainstream journal. It also appears in numerous international indices and has received the category of Certified Journal by the Academy of Sciences of Cuba.

Publicado: 2013-07-02

Application of the logistical and Gompertz models to the analysis of live weight curves in Cuban Creole kids

M. A. La O Arias, F. Guevara, N. Fonseca, L. Rodr?guez, R. Pinto, H. G?mez, F. J. Medina, A. Hern?ndez

Productive performance of hair lambs fed fresh orange (Citrus sinensis) residues substituting sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) grains

Zamira Villanueva, M. A. Ibarra, P. Z?rate, F. Briones, O. S. Escamilla, A. Gonz?lez, E. Guti?rrez

Low doses of gonadotropin chorionic equine (GCe) to Pelibuey and Pelibuey x Romanov ewes

J. L. Ponce, U. Mac?as, F. D. ?lvarez, J. V. Vel?zquez, L. Avenda?o, Julio Ly

Nutritional value and kinetics of the ruminal fermentation of flowers, tree fruits and shrubs in the Cauto Valley, Cuba

A. S. Ju?rez, Mar?a A. Cerrillo, Orestes La O, Rafael Segundo Herrera, Idania Scull, Maribel Guerero, H. Bernal

Use of dehydrated distillery grains with solubles in diets for fattening rabbits

Ysnagmy V?zquez, H. Bernal, Manuel Valdivi?, E. Guti?rrez, L. M. Castellanos, C. A. Hern?ndez, A. Ju?rez, Mar?a A. Cerrillo

Influence of the rest time on carcass quality and pork meat characteristics

Nancy Jerez-Timaure, Lilia Arenas de Moreno, Mar?a Sulbar?n, Soj?n Uzc?tegui

Evaluation of Bacillus subtilis biopreparations as growth promoters in chickens

Grethel Mili?n, A. J. Rond?n, M. P?rez, Ram?n Bocourt, Zoraya Rodr?guez, M. J. Ranilla, M. Rodr?guez, M. D. Carro