Probiotic effect of Lactobacillus salivarius C 65 on productive and health indicators of lactating piglets

Contenido principal del artículo

Ana J. Rond?n
Yuri?n Ojito
F?tima G. Arteaga
Marta Laurencio
Grethel Mili?n
Y. P?rez


For evaluating the probiotic effect of a biopreparation with Lactobacillus salivarius C65 on productive and health indicators in lactating piglets, an experiment was realized with a completely randomized design and two treatments: basic diet (control) and basic diet + C65 biopreparation. Ten piglet litters of the Yorkshire ? Landrace commercial cross x L35 were used from the first day of birth until 35 d of age. As a result from the utilization of this biopreparation, live weight (9.46 kg) of the animals treated with the probiotic improved (P ? 0.05) regarding the control group (8.02 kg) at five weeks. Also there was a better weight increase and daily live weight gain. There was also a decrease in diarrhea incidence. It is confirmed the probiotic potential that this biopreparation has for creating beneficial effects on lactating piglet yield.
Key words: probiotic, Lactobacillus salivarius, lactating piglets, nutritional additives

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Cómo citar
Rond?n, A. J., Ojito, Y., Arteaga, F. G., Laurencio, M., Mili?n, G., & P?rez, Y. (2013). Probiotic effect of Lactobacillus salivarius C 65 on productive and health indicators of lactating piglets. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 47(4). Recuperado a partir de
Ciencia Animal
Biografía del autor/a

Ana J. Rond?n

Centro de Estudios Biotecnol?gicos, Universidad de Matanzas ?Camilo Cienfuegos?. Autopista a Varadero,
km 3 1/2. Matanzas. Cuba

Yuri?n Ojito

Centro de Estudios Biotecnol?gicos, Universidad de Matanzas ?Camilo Cienfuegos?. Autopista a Varadero,
km 3 1/2. Matanzas. Cuba

F?tima G. Arteaga

Escuela Superior Polit?cnica Agropecuaria de Manab? ?Manuel F?lix?. Calceta, Manab?, Ecuador

Marta Laurencio

Centro de Estudios Biotecnol?gicos, Universidad de Matanzas ?Camilo Cienfuegos?. Autopista a Varadero,
km 3 1/2. Matanzas. Cuba

Grethel Mili?n

Centro de Estudios Biotecnol?gicos, Universidad de Matanzas ?Camilo Cienfuegos?. Autopista a Varadero,
km 3 1/2. Matanzas. Cuba

Y. P?rez

Centro de Estudios Biotecnol?gicos, Universidad de Matanzas ?Camilo Cienfuegos?. Autopista a Varadero,
km 3 1/2. Matanzas. Cuba

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