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Vol. 46 No. 3 (2012): Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science
Review Article
Prebiotics in the feeding of monogastric animals
Yanelys Garc?a Curbelo, Mercedes G. Curbelo, Ram?n Bocourt, Zoraya Rodr?guez, Lourdes Sav?n
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Use of modeling for studying the growth of Tithonia diversifolia collection 10
T.E. Ruiz, Verena Torres, Gustavo Febles, H. Rodr?guez, Luc?a Sarduy, J. Gonz?lez
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Use of modeling for studying the growth of Tithonia diversifolia collection 17
T.E. Ruiz, Verena Torres, Gustavo Febles, H. Rodr?guez, J. Gonz?lez
PDF (Español (España))
Animal Science
Supplementation of yearlings Cuban Charolais grazing multiple associations of herbaceous legumes and tropical grasses
Aslan D?az, P. C. Martin, Emilio Castillo, J. L. Hern?ndez
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Impact of biomass banks with Pennisetum purpureum (Cuba CT-115) on milk production
Ram?n Omar Mart?nez, Verena Torres, P. I. Aguilar
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Study of beef meat production systems in a municipality of Hidalgo State, Mexico
Mar?a Ruiz, J. Ruiz, Verena Torres, J. Cach
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Effect of the microbial additive VITAFERT on the intake of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber in Saanen goats fed Brachiaria brizantha hay
Delf?n Guti?rrez, Arabel El?as, R. Garc?a, F. Herrera, Humberto Jord?n, Luc?a Sarduy
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Effect of Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr., Albizia lebbeck Benth and Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) Gray (plant material 23) on the methanogen population and on the ruminal microbial ecology
Juana Galindo, Niurca Gonz?lez, Idania Scull, Yoandra Marrero, Areadne Sosa, Ana Irma Aldana, Onidia Moreira, Denia Delgado, Tom?s Ruiz, Gustavo Febles, Verena Torres, Orestes La O, Luc?a Sarduy, Aida Noda, O. Achang
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Effect of different levels of vitamin premix during finisher period on broiler on performance and immunocompetence in battery cage and floor systems
Majid Alahyari-Shahrasb, Hossein Moravej, Mahmood Shivazad
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Body composition of broilers consuming forage meal of Mucuna deeringiana in the diet. Technical note
Madeleidy Mart?nez, L. Sarmiento, Yasmila Hern?ndez, Luc?a Sarduy, Luis Enrique Dihigo
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Assessment of two population densities in the pre-fattening of Clarias gariepinus with semi-humid feed
J. Llanes, J. Toledo
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Digestion of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) foliage in pigs. In situ digestibility measured with mobile nylon bags
Ivonne D?az, C. Gonz?lez, Julio Reyes, E. Delgado, Julio Ly
Pasture Science and other Crops
Rainfall performance at the Institute of Animal Science in Cuba during the period 1970-2009 as basis for the strategic management of pastures
Adri?n ?lvarez, Rafael Segundo Herrera, Aida C. Noda, Laisurys D?az
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Maize (Zea mays) intercropping in a silvopastoral system with Brachiaria hybrid cv. Mulato and Leucaena leucocephala cv. Peru
Jorge Iraola, E. Mu??z, Yenny Garc?a, Jorge Luis Hern?ndez, E. Moreira
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Relationship between quality indicators and age indicators in Pennisetum purpureum cv. Cuba CT-169 in Cauto Valley, Cuba
J. L. Ram?rez, Rafael Segundo Herrera, M. Cisneros, D. Verdecia, Y. ?lvarez, B. L?pez
PDF (Español (España))
Chemical composition of Pennisetum purpureum cv.. Cuba CT-115 used as biomass bank
Dayleni Fortes, Rafael Segundo Herrera, Manuel Garc?a, Ana Mar?a Cruz, Aida Romero
PDF (Español (España))
Co-inoculation of ryzobium strains and one of arbuscular mycorrhizial fungi (Glomus cubense) and its effect on kusdz? (Pueraria phaseoloides). Technical note
P. J. Gonz?lez, Guianeya P?rez, N. Medina, G. Crespo, J. F. Ram?rez, J. Arzola
PDF (Español (España))