Nutritive quality of Cenchrus purpureus (Schumach.) Morrone cv. Cuba CT-115 under edaphoclimatic conditions of Zamorano, Honduras
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Livestock in Latin American and the Caribbean is developing based on naturalized meadows with low productions and nutritive contribution, hence the introduction of species with high productive potential and nutritive quality is necessary. Therefore, the effect of regrowth age on yield indicators, chemical composition and digestibility of Cenchrus purpureus (Schumach.) Morrone cv. Cuba CT-115 was evaluated under the edaphoclimatic conditions of Zamorano, Honduras. The evaluation lasted a period of 193 days, between October 2020 and May 2021 (dry season). The average of rainfalls in the study months was 44.56 mm. A random block design was used, and the treatments (days of grass cut) were 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days. The best relation leaf/stem was finding at 75 days (P<0.05), also, at 90 days the highest growth (235.94 cm) was identified. Likewise, the higher content of dry matter and crude protein at 75 and 45 days (12.91 %) was quantified (P<0.05), respectively, which influence on the digestibility and in the metabolizable and net energy of lactation (P<0.05). The cut at 90 days provoked higher quantification of neutral detergent fiber (50.15 %), although the mineral content decreases with the cut age. It is concluded that this study takes part of the first report of chemical composition, digestibility and energy under the edaphoclimatic conditions of Honduras of Cenchrus purpureus Morrone cv. Cuba CT-115, where the characteristic performance of the species was maintained.
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