The Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science is a publication of the Institute of Animal Science from the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba. It appears quarterly and comprises the following topics in the agricultural field: Applied Mathematics, Economics, Animal Genetics, Animal Science (Physiology, Nutrition and Management of Ruminants and Monogastrics, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Dairy, Beef and Small Livestock), Pastures and Forages, Rural Development, Environment, Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Production Systems, Knowledge Transaction, Technology Transfer, Technology Innovation and Extensionism. It was founded in 1967. It is an impact and mainstream journal. It also appears in numerous international indices and has received the category of Certified Journal by the Academy of Sciences of Cuba.

Publicado: 2014-06-27

Characterization of the livestock production cooperative systems in the municipality of Ca?la, Huambo province, Republic of Angola

Madureira Chivangulula, Verena Torres, M. Varela, J. Morais, Jefilia M?rio, Lyhen S?nchez, R. Gabriel

In vitro gas production of fibrous substrates with the inclusion of yeast

Yoandra Marrero, O. Ruiz, A. Corrales, O. Jay, Juana Galindo, Yamicela Castillo, Norma madera

Probiotic effect of a strain of Wickerhamomyces anomalus on fattening broilers

Yaneisy Garc?a, Mairiulys P?rez, Yanelis Garc?a, B?rbara Rodr?guez, Ram?n Bocourt, Verena Torres, Nereyda Albelo, Odalys N??ez, Juan Alberto Guzm?n, Milagro Febles, Aida C. Noda

Development of the digestive organs in piglets born from sows consuming probiotic before farrowing and during lactation

L?zara Ayala, Ram?n Bocourt, Manuel Castro, Luis Enrique Dihigo, Grethel Mili?n, Magalys Herrera, Julio Ly

Effect of re-growth age in the content of secondary metabolites from Neonotonia wightii in the Valle del Cauto, Cuba

D. Verdecia, Rafael Segundo Herrera, J. L. Ram?rez, I. Leonard, R. Bodas, N. Prieto, S. Andr?s, F. J. Girald?z, J. S. Gonz?lez, Y. Arceo, M. Paumier, Y. ?lvarez, S. L?pez

Cutting frequency on quality indicators of Pennisetum and Saccharum varieties during the dry period

Rafael Segundo Herrera, Ram?n Omar Mart?nez, M. Mart?nez, Ra?l Tuero, Ana Mar?a Cruz, Aida Romero

Growth analysis of the Pennisetum purpureum cv. Cuba CT- 115 in the biomass bank technology

Daylenis Fortes, Rafael Segundo Herrera, M. Garc?a, Ana Mar?a Cruz, Aida Romero

Relation among the processes of erosion-sedimentation-pollution in soils from the Distrito Pecuario ?Alturas de Nazareno?, Cuba

J. M. Febles, N. Amaral Sobrinho, Y. P?rez L?pez, J. H. Zoffoli, M. O. Lima Magalh?es, N. Guedes

Evaluation of the edaphic macrofauna in a silvopastoral system in Cauto Valley, Cuba

Ana M. Vega, Rafael Segundo Herrera, G. A. Rodr?guez, S. S?nchez, L. Lamela, A. A. Santana