Relation among the processes of erosion-sedimentation-pollution in soils from the Distrito Pecuario ?Alturas de Nazareno?, Cuba

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J. M. Febles
N. Amaral Sobrinho
Y. P?rez L?pez
J. H. Zoffoli
M. O. Lima Magalh?es
N. Guedes


The geological environments and their influence on the processes of erosion-sedimentation-pollution in soils due to heavy metals in the
Distrito Pecuario ?Alturas de Nazareno? were evaluated, with a functional biological diversity supported by the natural regeneration of the tree component. The work of pedological prospection: identified four types of soils, described and sampled at 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm deep. It was confirmed the prevalence of erosive processes and the possible access of the grass roots into a layer of peculiar alteration (level 25 - 30 cm) in ?Alturas de Nazareno?, with considerable proportions of NiO2, Zn, Cd, Cr and Fe. In the Polje of San Jos?, there was a preeminence of the sedimentation-pollution from the surface (level 0 - 30 cm), associated to toxic organic compounds, nutrients and organic matter, where any not controlled action in the cattle systems could move the heavy metals present in the soil to the pastures and the water provided to the animals.
Key words: heavy metals, trace elements, geo-chemical bank, reference values, polje

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Cómo citar
Febles, J. M., Amaral Sobrinho, N., P?rez L?pez, Y., Zoffoli, J. H., Lima Magalh?es, M. O., & Guedes, N. (2014). Relation among the processes of erosion-sedimentation-pollution in soils from the Distrito Pecuario ?Alturas de Nazareno?, Cuba. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 48(2). Recuperado a partir de
Ciencia de los pastos y otros cultivos