Productive and reproductive performance of water buffaloes in Empresa Pecuaria Genética del Este, in Cuba. Suggestions for their improvement

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L. M. Fraga
D. García
Yenny García
Marta Mora
Lourdes Rodríguez
A. Sánchez
Marlen Simón
A. Arce
Y. de Armas


The productive and reproductive performance of a water buffalo enterprise located in Mayabeque province, Cuba, was studied from a database with 815 observations of eight herds in milking, 10 years of parturition (2004-2013), two calving periods (season: July-October and out of season: November-June), as well as six lactation orders (1-5 and 6 more). Total milk, lactation duration, period between parturitions, dry period, service period and milk per day of period between parturitions were evaluated. Data were processed in SAS, version 9.3, using Proc Glimmix. Effects of herd, parturition year, lactation season and lactation order were considered as fixed. The random
effect was animal nested in the herd. The most probable production capacity of each female water buffalo was obtained, according to milk per day of period between parturitions from individual BLUPs. All evaluated fixed effects were significant, except lactation order for lactation duration. Values of the least squares constants were: total milk (341-704 kg), lactation duration (198-248 d), period between parturitions (367-445 d), dry period (86-204 d), service period (26- 105 d) and milk per day of the period between parturitions (0.86- 1.79 kg/d) according to the considered delivery year. The period of parturation from July to October, favored all indicators: total milk (630 vs. 495 kg), lactation duration (230-208 d), period between parturitions
(379 vs. 424 d), dry period ( 111 vs. 170 d), service period (46 vs. 83 d) and milk per day of the period between parturitions (1.71 vs. 1.17 d). The most like production capacity CMPP varied between 97.81 and 102.43 %, indicating the possibility of positive or negative selection from this indicator. It is considered that milk indicators should be improved, as they are the result of the growth in number of animals and low selection. Productive ones are acceptable. It is considered that both can be improved if a preliminary selection is used according to the most probable production capacity of milk per day of the period between parturitions.
Key words: water buffaloes, milk, reproduction

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How to Cite
Fraga, L. M., García, D., García, Y., Mora, M., Rodríguez, L., Sánchez, A., Simón, M., Arce, A., & de Armas, Y. (2017). Productive and reproductive performance of water buffaloes in Empresa Pecuaria Genética del Este, in Cuba. Suggestions for their improvement. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 51(2). Retrieved from

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