The Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science appears every three months and comprises the following topics in the agricultural field: Applied Mathematics, Economics, Animal Genetics, Animal Science (Physiology, Nutrition and Management of Ruminants and Non-ruminants, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Dairy, Beef and Small Livestock), Pastures and Forages, Rural Development, Environment, Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Production Systems, Knowledge Management, Technology Transfer, Technological Innovation and Extension processes.

Publicado: 2018-07-17

Production of xylanases by Bacillus subtilis E44 under submerged fermentation conditions

Madyu Matos, Aymara Valdivia, Zoraya Rodríguez, R. Bocourt, María A. Brizuela, Yadileiny Portilla, Yasmary Rubio, H. L. Ramírez