Tithonia diversifolia forage meal: effect on physiological indicators and blood biochemistry of two poultry categories

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Lourdes Savón
Bárbara Rodríguez
Idania Scull
Ysnagmy Vázquez
Magaly Herrera
T.E. Ruiz


The use and research of plant resources that are abundant in the tropic have great importance for the monogastric species feeding, above all the poultry due to the poor production of cereals and to the financial limitations for their acquisition. Tithonia diversifolia (tithonia) for its agronomic characteristics and its good biomass production is an attractive alternative to guarantee a sustainable production. In this paper are show the results of researchers that were performed to evaluate the effect of T. diversifolia plant material 10 forage meal intake on physiological indicators of digestive organs and accessories of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as blood biochemistry indicators of two poultry categories. For this the chemical composition and secondary metabolites present in the plant material were determined. A total of five level of the tree forage meal (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 %) were studied and four levels (0, 10, 15 and 20 %) as partial substitution of the corn/soybean meal in diets for 42 days broilers and replacement pullets of laying hens of 18 weeks respectively. The impact of their intake was evaluated in: 1) macroscopic morphometric indicators of digestive organs: crop, proventriculus, gizzard, small intestine, caeca, large intestine and accessories (liver and pancreas) of the gastrointestinal tract; 2) microscopic morphometric indicators (histophatologic evaluation); 3) quantitative evaluation of the morphometric changes in the structure of the studied organs with the intake of T. diversifolia plant material 10 forage meal in laying hens replacement and 4) determination of the blood biochemistry indicators in both categories. The data were analyzed when considering the morphofunctional capacity of the digestive system and accessory organs in the mentioned poultry category. The results obtained contributed to the assessment of the physiological response and influence on the establishment of the adequate levels of T. diversifolia to achieve a sustainable animal production.

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How to Cite
Savón, L., Rodríguez, B., Scull, I., Vázquez, Y., Herrera, M., & Ruiz, T. (2024). Tithonia diversifolia forage meal: effect on physiological indicators and blood biochemistry of two poultry categories. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 58, https://cu-id.com/1996/v58e28. Retrieved from https://cjascience.com/index.php/CJAS/article/view/1167
Animal Science


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