The Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science appears every three months and comprises the following topics in the agricultural field: Applied Mathematics, Economics, Animal Genetics, Animal Science (Physiology, Nutrition and Management of Ruminants and Non-ruminants, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Dairy, Beef and Small Livestock), Pastures and Forages, Rural Development, Environment, Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Production Systems, Knowledge Management, Technology Transfer, Technological Innovation and Extension processes.

Publicado: 2016-09-06

The productive efficiency of rearing herds in Pastaza, Ecuador

Diocles Benítez, Verena Torres, J. C. Vargas, Sandra Soria

Effect of different nitrogen levels and irrigation techniques on the ruminal degradation of the crude protein of maize

R. Barajas, T. Díaz, L. R. Flores, L. Partida, Mayuly Martínez, J. J. Lomelí, T de J. Velázquez