Productive performance of Clarias gariepinus young fish fed with spiny lobster by-products. Technical note

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J. E. Llanes
A. Ramírez


The productive performance of Clarias gariepinus, fed with by-products from the pulp extraction process of the lobster cephalothorax (Panulirus argus), was evaluated. An amount of 240 young fish of 10.16 ± 0.07 g initial mean weight were used, placed according to a completely randomized design in four treatments with three repetitions. The treatments were: control (100 % fish by-products), TI (75 % fish by-products and 25 % lobster by-products), TII (50 % fish by-products and 50 % lobster by-products) and TIII (100 % lobster by-products). Animals were fed for 45 days and feed was provided at 15 % of the biomass. The increase in lobster by-products in the rations decreased the amount of feed supplied per animal (137.15, 120.38, 109.72 and 86.53 g). Similarly, growth indicators (74.51, 52.91, 43.01 and 20.51 g) and feed conversion (2.41, 3.18, 3.78 and 9.81) were unfavorable when increasing the levels of these by-products, due to lower feed intake and, therefore, of proteins. Survival was 100 % for all treatments. The negative results were related to the high concentrations of chitin in natural form and calcium, present in these by-products. It is concluded that fresh lobster by-products were not feasible for feeding Clarias gariepinus. Its transformation into products with high added value, such as chitin, chitosans and protein concentrates, is recommended for subsequent evaluation as growth enhancers in this species.

Keywords: feed, catfish, crustaceans, nutrition

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Cómo citar
Llanes, J. E., & Ramírez, A. (2023). Productive performance of Clarias gariepinus young fish fed with spiny lobster by-products. Technical note. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 57. Recuperado a partir de
Ciencia Animal


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