Genetic and phenotypic variability of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray. in Colombia

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J.E Rivera
J. Chará
J.F. Gómez-Leyva
T.E. Ruíz
E. Murgueitio
R. Barahona


The inclusion of T. diversifolia in diets based on tropical grasses has proven potential to improve nutrient availability in these diets, as well as enhance animal production in different productive conditions. However, recent studies have evidenced that there are better genotypes that could be selected to enhance the use of this species. This paper shows the principal results obtained in the determination of the genetic and phenotypic variability of T. diversifolia in materials collected in Colombia. Initially, a genetic assessment is presented permitting to identify seven outstanding genotypes as animal feed and with great genetic diversity. These materials have been spread to conduct studies for determining genotype-environment interaction in biomass yield, fermentative performance, chemical composition, and sexual propagation. The results evidence that T. diversifolia materials can be identified and selected for having better adaptation to specific conditions than others, better growth, higher offer of nutrients, and capacity of modifying the dynamic of fermentation in the rumen.

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How to Cite
Rivera, J., Chará, J., Gómez-Leyva, J., Ruíz, T., Murgueitio, E., & Barahona, R. (2023). Genetic and phenotypic variability of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray. in Colombia. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 57. Retrieved from
Pasture Science and other Crops


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