Determination of typologies of rabbit production systems in Ciego de Avila municipality, Cuba

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J. Martínez-Melo
J. O. Serrano
C. A. Mazorra
Verena Torres
Dayami Fontes
Angela Borroto


In order to typify the rabbit production systems in Ciego de Avila municipality, Cuba, quantitative and qualitative information of 49 rabbit farms were obtained. The Statistical Model of Impact Measuring was applied with the quantitative variables, which combine the factors analysis by the main components method with the hierarchical cluster, to typify the cases. The frequencies per typologies for qualitative variables were obtained. The rabbit production systems were typified into five groups: I) small farmers with land, younger, apply more mating (14.3 %) pardos. II) small farmers with land and older (42.9 %), III) small farmers without land, late weaning (12.5%), IV) medium farmers with land and semiintensive reproductive management with low efficiency (28.6%) and V) technical system, with semi-intensive reproductive management with low efficiency (2.0%). In the farmers, the Cuban Brown race, Chinchilla and different crosses predominate. The feeding system in general was based on forage resources, supplementation and little use of protein plants, except Tithonia diversifolia in groups I, III and V. Regardless of the productive scales, technological alternatives that guarantee greater productive and reproductive efficiency are not applied in the feeding system. This study shows that these typologies should be considered to implement an agricultural extension system that contributes to the training of farmers and the management and application of sustainable technological alternatives with the use of endogenous resources.
Key words: multivariate analysis, livestock systems, Oryctolagus

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How to Cite
Martínez-Melo, J., Serrano, J. O., Mazorra, C. A., Torres, V., Fontes, D., & Borroto, A. (2023). Determination of typologies of rabbit production systems in Ciego de Avila municipality, Cuba. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 57. Retrieved from
Animal Science


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