The Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science is a publication of the Institute of Animal Science from the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba. It appears quarterly and comprises the following topics in the agricultural field: Applied Mathematics, Economics, Animal Genetics, Animal Science (Physiology, Nutrition and Management of Ruminants and Monogastrics, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Dairy, Beef and Small Livestock), Pastures and Forages, Rural Development, Environment, Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Production Systems, Knowledge Transaction, Technology Transfer, Technology Innovation and Extensionism. It was founded in 1967.
It is an impact and mainstream journal. It also appears in numerous international indices and has received the category of Certified Journal by the Academy of Sciences of Cuba.

Publicado: 2014-04-09

Local innovation processes in Agroenergy directed at the mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Cuba

Jes?s Su?rez, G. Mart?n, L. Cepero, D. Blanco, J. Sotolongo, Valentina Savran, E. del R?o, J. L. Rivero

Manipulation of the energy metabolism of ruminants in the tropics: options for improving meat and milk production and quality

J. C. Ku Vera, E. G. Brice?o, A. Ruiz, R. Mayo, A. J. Ayala, C. F. Aguilar, F. J. Solorio, L. Ram?rez

Behavior of mulberry (Morus alba L.) and its impact on the animal production and the breeding of silkworms in Cuba

Giraldo Mart?n, Gertrudis Pent?n, Yolai Noda, Yuv?n Contino, Maykelis D?az, F. Ojeda, F. A. Jim?nez, O. L?pez, D. Agramonte, Milagros Milera, Marlene Prieto

Tithonia diversifolia, its possibilities in cattle rearing systems

Tom?s E. Ruiz, Gustavo Febles, Juana Galindo, Lourdes Sav?n, Bertha Chongo, Delia Mar?a Cino, Jatnel Alonso, Y. Mart?nez, Delf?n Guti?rez, Gustavo Crespo, Luis Marino Mora, Idania Scull, Oreste La O, J. Gonz?lez, Sandra Lok, Niurka Gonz?lez, A. Zanora