Replacement Charolais cows grazing a Leucaena leucocephala-Cynodon nlemfuensis association: economic and financial indicators

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Cino M. Delia
Díaz A.
Vega M. Ana


An economic and financial assessment was carried out of the rearing of replacement Charolais cows grazing star grass and Leucaena in association and without association. The study was developed in the Cattle Breeding and Rearing Enterprise “Manuel Fajardo”, Granma province. One hundred twenty animals were used distributed in two treatments: a) association and b) star grass monoculture in two successive cycles with a stocking rate of 1 animal.ha-1 and 50 g of minerals.animal-1.d-1. Records of the costs.treatment-1 were completed with fixed, variable, indirect and investment costs. The following indicators were estimated: total cost, production value, profit or economic loss, cost. animal-1, cost. kg-1 of live weight, cost.peso produced ($-1), cost.ha-1, benefit.cost-1 ratio, gross margin.animal-1, gross income and profitability. The American dollar was used as monetary pattern. The satisfactory economic indicators were registered for both cycles in the association. The second cycle showed the best result with a benefit.cost ratio-1 of 1.15. The monoculture showed economic losses. All financial indicators were positive in the association, though its benefits were corroborated on incorporating the females to reproduction at 19 months of age. Results from this experiment evidenced the economic advantages of silvograzing for rearing replacement cows of the Charolais genotype as a sustainable alternative for tropical cattle production.

Key words: cows, cattle rearing, silvograzing, economy

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Cómo citar
Delia, C. M., A., D., & Ana, V. M. (2016). Replacement Charolais cows grazing a Leucaena leucocephala-Cynodon nlemfuensis association: economic and financial indicators. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 48(4). Recuperado a partir de