Commercialization of the science products and services: challenges and perspectives

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Jos? Antonio D?az


The transformations of the world economical surroundings and the environmental unbalances occurring in the planet make think about the necessity of marketing the products and services of agricultural science in sceneries where opportunities impose and where the private and state actors share the responsibility of their own development. The substantial changes of a country?s economy and its capacity for keeping the products and services they offer influence on the commercialization. In the last three years, the value of the international commerce of services has shown an increasing rhythm, ruled by enterprises of developed countries like United States, Denmark and France, which generate more than 70 % of the added value, basically addressed to the technological innovation. The management of the Entities of Technological Science and Innovation (ECIT, according to its Spanish initials) and Cuban universities in correspondence with the research efforts with lines of economical and social development given priorities at different levels, so there may be correlation between the pure and applied research. Priority to the topics to be developed should be given so they really respond to the problems of the productive sector. Besides, a balance between the new results and technologies generated and their introduction or application on the social practice should be achieved. We have the challenge of generate knowledge and technologies to promote the sustainability, make us competitive, keep interaction with the production and prove them with a quality management process.

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Cómo citar
D?az, J. A. (2014). Commercialization of the science products and services: challenges and perspectives. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 48(1). Recuperado a partir de
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