Establishment of Leucaena leucocephala with high sowing density under coconut (Cocus nucifera) tree

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J. M. Anguiano
J. Aguirre
J. M. Palma


A study was conducted on a soil with loamy-sandy texture to assess the agronomic, physiological and productive performance of Leucaena leucocephala in high sowing density under coconut tree. A random block design was used with factorial fit. The factors analyzed were: sowing density, with three levels of 40, 60 and 80 thousand plants of leucaena/ha, and tree age, at 5, 40, 55, 70, 85 and 100 d, with three replicates. The sowing was conducted on February 2009, at depth from 2 to 3 cm. The seeds were scarified and inoculated with rhizobium and mycorrhizae. After 20 d the tree emerged, the treatments were fertilized with the formula 00-20-10-20, provided by diatom land in dosages of 700 kg/ha. The manual control of weeds in the area was conducted. In all the variables studied there was interaction effect (P < 0.001). The best values found at 100 d of age were for the treatment with 80 thousand plants of leucaena/ha in stem diameter (1.27 cm), dry weight of leaves (49.54 g), dry weight of plant (72.61 g), biomass production (6159 kg/ha), productive rate (61.59 kg DM/d/ha) and water use efficiency (6.84 kg DM/m3). These numbers were statistically similar to those obtained with 60 thousand plants of leucaena/ha, for plant
height (133.67 and 138.28 cm) and number of leaves (23.94 and 24.72). The sowing of 80 thousand plants of leucaena/ha associated with coconut tree, as high density system, could be proposed as alternative for intensifying the agrosilvopastoral systems in the tropical area.
Key words: leucaena, multiestratum, intensification, biomasa, grazing.

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How to Cite
Anguiano, J. M., Aguirre, J., & Palma, J. M. (2012). Establishment of Leucaena leucocephala with high sowing density under coconut (Cocus nucifera) tree. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 46(1). Retrieved from
Pasture Science and other Crops
Author Biographies

J. M. Anguiano

Universidad Aut?noma de Nayarit. M?xico Posgrado en Ciencias Biol?gicas Agropecuarias y Pesqueras.

J. Aguirre

Universidad Aut?noma de Nayarit. M?xico Posgrado en Ciencias Biol?gicas Agropecuarias y Pesqueras.

J. M. Palma

CUIDA-FMVZ, Universidad de Colima. M?xico