Hormonal profile and follicular dynamics of two breeds of old laying hens on melatonin administration in Nigeria

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Rosemary Ozioma Igwe
Udo Herbert
Jude T. Ogunnupebi
Isaac Ikechukwu Osakwe


In a 20-week study, 117 laying hens, aged 52 weeks, of the Isa Brown and Nera Black breeds were used to evaluate the effects of melatonin on reproductive hormones and egg production. The study utilized a 2×3 factorial, a completely randomized block design with three treatments (0 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg of melatonin) and three replicates, administered daily through drinking water. A total of 39 samples of blood were collected and analyzed. Melatonin at 5 mg (T2) significantly improved levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in Isa Brown hens, with concentrations of 629.14 pg/mL and 55.48 mIU/mL, respectively. However, higher melatonin levels at 10 mg (T3) led to reduced hormone levels (279.40 pg/mL and 39.64 mIU/mL). A similar trend was observed in Nera Black hens. Hen day egg production (HDEP) also improved with melatonin treatment, with the 5 mg dosage (T2) yielding the highest production rates for both breeds. Specifically, Isa Brown hens showed HDEP percentages of 39.11 % (T1), 86.33 % (T2), and 61.66 % (T3), while Nera Black hens had HDEP percentages of 31.10 % (T1), 70.86 % (T2) and 58.60 % (T3). In conclusion, melatonin at 5 mg improved the reproductive hormonal profile, promoted follicle development and growth the latter will increase egg production in the two breeds, preferentially in the Nera black breed.

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How to Cite
Ozioma Igwe, R., Herbert, U., T. Ogunnupebi, J., & Ikechukwu Osakwe, I. (2024). Hormonal profile and follicular dynamics of two breeds of old laying hens on melatonin administration in Nigeria. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 58, https://cu-id.com/1996/v58e27. Retrieved from https://cjascience.com/index.php/CJAS/article/view/1166
Animal Science


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