Development of probiotics for animal production. Experiences in Cuba

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D. Sosa
Yaneisy García
J. C. Dustet


Probiotic additives intended for animal production has been studied for decades. This review deals, mainly, with aspects related to technological process for the development of these  additives, which includes selection of strains, design of culture media, microbial growth conditions, more efficient fermentation methods and recovery of the product of interest. Information is also collected on the progress obtained in this area by several research groups in Cuba. It is considered that the development of economically feasible probiotics is indispensable because of the benefits offered by these additives for animal production. For this reason, the country should continue the studies aimed at obtaining these products and increasing work relationships between national and international institutions to strengthen research and achieve its application in livestock systems.

Key words: microbial additive, culture media, fermentation

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How to Cite
Sosa, D., García, Y., & Dustet, J. C. (2018). Development of probiotics for animal production. Experiences in Cuba. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 52(4). Retrieved from
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