⌅The International Organization for Epizootics, the World Organization of the United Nations for Feeding and Agriculture and the World Health Organization are working to introduce new products and technologies into animal production systems to obtain healthy foods, which will allow for high productions with adequate economic sustainability and biological guarantee, in order to protect animals and humans. Among these products, in the category of zootechnical additives, microbial additives highlighted, which represent a potentially significant and safe alternative (Barba-Vidal et al. 2019Barba-Vidal, E., Martín-Orúe, S.M. & Castillejos, L. 2019. Practical aspects of the use of probiotics in pig production: a review. Livestock Science, 223: 84-96, ISSN: 1878-0490. and Pandey et al. 2019Pandey, A.K., Kumar, P. & Saxena, M.J. 2019. Feed additives in animal health. In: Gupta R, Srivastava A, Lall R, editors. Nutraceuticals in veterinary medicine. Cham: Springer; 345-462, ISBN: Print 978-3-030-04623-1, Online: 978-3-030-04624-8.
Microbial additives are products that do not cause problems of microbial resistance or the residual effects produced by antimicrobials when they are used as animal growth promoters, indiscriminately and for a long time. These additives are mainly made from lactic bacteria, Bacillus, fungi and yeasts, which contribute to maintaining a favorable ecological balance in the gastrointestinal tract and the proper functioning of the immune system (Quach et al. 2021Quach, N.T., Vu, T.H.N., Nguyen, N.A., Nguyen, V.T., Bui, T.L. & Ky, S.C. 2021. Phenotypic features and analysis of genes supporting probiotic action unravel underlying perspectives of Bacillus velezensis VTX9 as a potential feed additive for swine. Annals of Microbiology, 71(1): 1-14. ISSN: 1869-2044., Konieczka et al. 2023Konieczka, P., Ferenc, K., Jørgensen, J.N., Hansen, L.H.B., Zabielski, R., Olszewski, J., Gajewski, Z., Mazur-Kusnirek, M., Szkopek, D., Szyrynska, N. & Lipinski, K. 2023. Feeding Bacillus-based probiotics to gestating and lactating sows is an efficient method for improving immunity, gut functional status and biofilm formation by probiotic bacteria in piglets at weaning. Animal Nutrition, 13: 361-372, ISSN: 2405-6545. and Rasaei et al. 2023Rasaei, D., Alemeh, S.H., Asasi, K., Shahram, S.S. & Khodakaram, A.T. 2023. The beneficial effects of spraying of probiotic Bacillus and Lactobacillus bacteria on broiler chickens experimentally infected with avian influenza virus H9N2. Poultry Science, 102(7): 1-12, ISSN: 1525-3171. Also, they can exert specific activity or multifunctional effects, which through different mechanisms manage to improve the productive and health indicators of animals (Al-Shawi et al. 2020Al-Shawi, S.G., Dang, D.S., Yousif, A.Y., Al-Younis, Z.K., Najm, T.A. & Matarneh, S.K. 2020. The potential use of probiotics to improve animal health, efficiency, and meat quality: a review. Agriculture, 10(10): 452-463, ISSN: 2077-0472., Lambo et al. 2021Lambo, M.T., Chang, X. & Liu, D. 2021. The recent trend in the use of multistrain probiotics in livestock production: An Overview. Animals, 11(10): 2805-2814, ISSN: 2076-2615., Sun et al. 2021Sun, Y., Duarte, M.E. & Kim, S.W. 2021. Dietary inclusion of multispecies probiotics to reduce the severity of post-weaning diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli F18 (þ) in pigs. Animal Nutrition, 7(2): 326-333, ISSN: 2405-6383. and Crespo-Piazuelo et al. 2022Crespo-Piazuelo D, Gardiner, G.E., Ranjitkar, S., Bouwhuis, M.A., Ham, R., Phelan, J.P., Marsh, A. & Lawlor, P.G. 2022. Maternal supplementation with Bacillus altitudinis spores improves porcine offspring growth performance and carcass weight. British Journal of Nutrition, 127(3): 403-420, ISSN: 0007-1145.
In Cuba, at the end of the 1990s, the Instituto de Ciencia Animal (ICA) developed a microbial preparation called Vitafert, composed of lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, organic acids and other metabolites. A large number of researchers describe its use as a zootechnical additive and show its ability to control the development of enterobacteria, reduce the incidence of diarrhea, increase live weight gain and increase energy and nitrogen retention in different species of productive animals (García et al. 2008García, Y, Elías, A., Albelo, N., Herrera, F.R., Núñez, O. & Dieppa, O. 2008. Growth of acid-lactic bacteria and yeasts during the liquid fermentation of broilers feces for the obtainment of probiotics. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 42(2): 195-197. ISSN: 0034-7485., Bustamante et al. 2016Bustamante, D., Savón, L., Elías, A., Caro, Y., Sierra, F. & Almeida, M. 2016. Effect of Vitafert on the digestive use of nitrogen in roosters that consume Moringa oleifera forage meal. Technical note. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 50(2): 273-278, ISSN: 2079-3480., Savón et al. 2020Savón, L., Sánchez, B., Elías, A., Ortega, H.J., Gutiérrez, M., Scull, I. & Herrera, M. 2020. Effect of a dry fermented product on morphological, immunological, histological and health indicators of broilers. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 54(1): 85-94, ISSN: 2079-3480. and Beruvides et al. 2021Beruvides, A., Elías, A., Valiño, E.C., Milián, G., Rondón, A.J., Rodríguez, M. & Milián, J. 2021. Chemical and microbiological characterization of the zootechnical additive Vitafert, under small-scale production conditions. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 55(1): ISSN: 2079-3480. In addition, technological variants were used which were differed in the form of presentation, the inoculum and raw materials used in their preparation (Bustamante et al. 2016Bustamante, D., Savón, L., Elías, A., Caro, Y., Sierra, F. & Almeida, M. 2016. Effect of Vitafert on the digestive use of nitrogen in roosters that consume Moringa oleifera forage meal. Technical note. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 50(2): 273-278, ISSN: 2079-3480. and Beruvides et al. 2021Beruvides, A., Elías, A., Valiño, E.C., Milián, G., Rondón, A.J., Rodríguez, M. & Milián, J. 2021. Chemical and microbiological characterization of the zootechnical additive Vitafert, under small-scale production conditions. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 55(1): ISSN: 2079-3480. This review mainly deals with the aspects related to the process for the development of this additive, which includes microbial inoculants, percentages of raw matters used, the production process, technological variants and its use in the agricultural sector.
Obtaining and characterization of Vitafert and its technological variants
⌅In the available scientific literature, different formulations are described for obtaining the additive, adapted to the availability of raw matters and existing conditions in each region or locality of Cuba or in other countries where it was applied (López 2010López, C.A. 2010. Efecto de los niveles de Vitafert y melaza en la pollinaza fermentada aeróbica. Tesis en opción al grado de Master en Producción Agroalimentaria Trópico (1-40). Institución de enseñanza e investigación en ciencias, Agrícolas, Campus Tabasco, México, 2012López, C.A. 2012. Producción de un alimento fermentado en estado sólido a partir de la pollinaza y Vitafert. Tesis en opción al grado de Master en Producción Agroalimentaria Trópico (1-66). Institución de enseñanza e investigación en ciencias, Agrícolas, Campus Tabasco, México. and Ruiz 2014Ruiz, P.A. 2014. Efecto de la adición a la dieta de un producto biológicamente activo en el crecimiento y calidad de la carne de corderos Suffolk-Hampshire. Ganadería. Tesis en opción al grado de Master en Zootecnia. Montecillo (1-67), Texcoco, México. The production process is simple and does not require specialized infrastructure to produce small volumes, which offers economic advantages and facilitates its preparation under rustic and sustainable production conditions in its two forms of presentation, liquid and solid (Bustamante et al. 2016Bustamante, D., Savón, L., Elías, A., Caro, Y., Sierra, F. & Almeida, M. 2016. Effect of Vitafert on the digestive use of nitrogen in roosters that consume Moringa oleifera forage meal. Technical note. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 50(2): 273-278, ISSN: 2079-3480. and Beruvides et al. 2021Beruvides, A., Elías, A., Valiño, E.C., Milián, G., Rondón, A.J., Rodríguez, M. & Milián, J. 2021. Chemical and microbiological characterization of the zootechnical additive Vitafert, under small-scale production conditions. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 55(1): ISSN: 2079-3480.
In general, it is obtained through a discontinuous fermentation process, for 48 hours and at room temperature (28 ±2 ºC), of a mixture of easily fermented carbohydrates (sugar cane molasses, sugar cane juice, whey and raw sugar), energy meals (corn meal and wheat meal), a source of vegetable protein (soybean cake meal), a source of non-protein nitrogen, such as urea and mineral salts. This additive involves the addition of an inoculum of fresh excrement, ruminal content or lactic bacteria from yogurt.
Qualitative and quantitative composition
⌅Vitafert liquid additive
⌅It is made up of raw matters (inert ingredients) corn meal (4 %), soybean meal (4 %), urea (0.5 %), magnesium sulfate (0.25 %), mineral premixture (0.5 %). The composition of the premix per kg of product is described as follows: vit. A 10 000 IU, vit. D3 2 000 IU, vit. E 10 mg, vit. K 2 mg, thiamine 1 mg, riboflavin 5 mg, pyridoxine 2 mg, vit. B12 15.4 μg, nicotinic acid 125 mg, calcium pantothenate 10 mg, folic acid 0.25 mg, biotin 0.02 mg, selenium 0.1 mg, iron 40 mg, copper 12 mg, zinc 120 mg, magnesium 100 mg, iodine 2.5 mg, cobalt 0.75 mg) and final sugar cane molasses (10 %) or raw sugar (15 %). Microbial and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) sources are inoculated at 1 % (active ingredients). They are stable for 90 days or more.
The fermentation process lasts 48 hours at room temperature (26 ± 2ºC). Under production conditions, it can be extended up to 96 hours. The liquid presentation is acidic (pH, 3.5-4.0), reddish brown in color and has a pleasant smell.
Dry Fermented Vitafert Additive
⌅The dry fermented Vitafert additive is made from the mentioned product (it contains the active and inert ingredients). Corn meal (new inert ingredient) is added to liquid VITAFERT in a 1:1 (w/v) ratio. This starchy source used as an absorbent support has the following chemical composition: dry matter (DM) 88.28 % and crude protein (CP) 8.4 %. Drying is carried out by direct exposure to the sun for 72 h. The average maximum temperature and relative humidity values are 27.3 °C and 76.0 %, respectively. Dry Vitafert has a particle size of 1 mm. The presentation of the solid Vitafert additive is golden meal, sweet smell, according to the formulation used in the production of the liquid VITAFER additive, as part of the mixture with corn meal.
The safe and harmless effect of this product was proven in monogastric animals, ruminants and small ruminants.
Use of Vitafert in the agricultural sector
⌅The first publication about Vitafert was made by Díaz et al. (1996)Díaz, J., Elías, A. & Achan, J. 1996. Nota sobre el estudio de niveles de Vitafert (caña de azúcar + gallinaza) en precebas porcinas. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 30(3): 309-311, ISSN: 2079-3480. based on scientific reports from Instituto de Ciencia Animal, which stated that it is a solid product, made from aerobic fermentation in an open-air dish of a mixture of ground sugar cane and fresh chicken manure, with the addition of urea and a premixture of minerals in a process similar to the obtaining of Saccharina (Elías et al. 1990Elías, A., Lezcano, O., Lezcano, P., Cordero, J. & Quintana, L. 1990. Reseña descriptiva sobre el desarrollo de una tecnología de enriquecimiento proteico en la caña de azúcar mediante fermentación en estado sólido (Saccharina). Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 24(1): 1-12, ISSN: 0034-7485. In addition, at the laboratory level, it was reported that the results with this product showed the presence of a high content of antibodies, vitamins and other nutrients of importance for the pre-fattening category of pigs. The protein content of the product makes it comparable in composition to corn meal, although its level of crude fiber is much higher, as well as that of ash and non-protein nitrogen. The work highlighted that during the fermentation process colibacilli disappear and lactobacilli, streptococci and yeasts predominate. This product, as a substitute for cereals in the diet of pre-fattening pigs, starting at 10 kg of live weight, had no effect on daily gain, final weight and total conversion. However, its inclusion at 10 and 20 % improved the conversion of traditional products with a favorable economic impact.
González and Enríquez (1997)González, R. & Enríquez, A.V. 1997. Nota sobre el efecto del Vitafert líquido (producido por la fermentación de la miel final y aditivos) en el valor nutritivo de una ración basada en heno de pasto estrella (Cynodon nlemfuensis). Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 31(1): 57-60, ISSN: 0034-7485. reported the effect of a new food, called liquid Vitafert (Elías 1995, unpublished) on the nutritional value of a ration for ruminants, based on star grass hay (Cynodon nlemfuensis). This new food was obtained by liquid fermentation from the final sugar cane molasses. Valdivié et al. (1997)Valdivié, M., González, L.M. & Elías, A. 1997. Nuevos tipos de Saccharina para aves. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 31(3): 231-236, ISSN: 0034-7485. compiled researchers on new variants of Saccharinas, from combinations of sugar cane with other substrates. Among these variants, “Sacchasoyamaíz” inoculated was presented, a product made from a primary substrate of ground corn (30 %), ground soybean cake (5 %), ground cane (63 %), urea (1.5 %) and mineral salts (0.5 %), to which after mixing 10 % of Vitafert MN was added (primary name due to the addition of a mixture of minerals) as an inoculants, components that were dried and fermented, according to the rustic technology of Saccharina. Also, Elías et al.Elías, A., Lezcano, O. & Herrera, F.R. 2001. Algunos indicadores bromatológicos y productos finales de la fermentación para la obtención de cuatro tipos de Saccharina inoculados con Vitafert. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 35(2): 153-158, ISSN: 0034-7485. (2001Elías, A., Lezcano, O. & Herrera, F.R. 2001. Algunos indicadores bromatológicos y productos finales de la fermentación para la obtención de cuatro tipos de Saccharina inoculados con Vitafert. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 35(2): 153-158, ISSN: 0034-7485. and 2009Elías, A., Aguilera, L., Rodríguez, Y. & Herrera, F.R. 2009. Inclusión de niveles de harina de granos de Canavalia ensiformis en la fermentación de la caña de azúcar en estado sólido (Sacchacanavalia). Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 43(1): 51-54, ISSN: 0034-7485., Valdivié and Elías (2006)Valdivié, M. & Elías, A. 2006. Posibilidades del grano de Canavalia ensiformis fermentado con caña (Sacchacanavalia) en pollos de ceba. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 40(4): 459-464, ISSN: 2079-3480. and Díaz (2010)Díaz, Q.V. 2010. Efecto del vitafer en el comportamiento de ovinos en finalización en pastoreo suplementados con Sacchapulido. Tesis en opción al grado Master en Producción agropecuaria en el trópico. (1-51). Tabasco, México. Colegio de Postgraduados. referred to Vitafert MN as an inoculum to generate other variants of Saccharina.
After the year 2000, a large number of researchers were carried out with Vitafert and its variants, all with the principle or line to produce and apply efficient biologically activated microorganisms (MEBA) (Elías and Herrera 2015Elías, A. & Herrera, F.R. 2015. Producción de alimento para animales a través de procesos biotecnológicos sencillos con el empleo de Microorganismos Benéficos Activados (MEBA). Vitafert. En: Memorias del V Congreso de Producción Animal Tropical 2015. ISBN: 978-959-7171-70-6 Instituto de Ciencia Animal, San José de las Lajas, Mayabeque, Cuba, 8-13.).
García et al. (2008)García, Y, Elías, A., Albelo, N., Herrera, F.R., Núñez, O. & Dieppa, O. 2008. Growth of acid-lactic bacteria and yeasts during the liquid fermentation of broilers feces for the obtainment of probiotics. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 42(2): 195-197. ISSN: 0034-7485. carried out the first studies on the dynamics of fermentation of excreta from broilers and laying hens, the main microbial inoculants for obtaining Vitafert, the first variant used. These researchers mainly focused on the proposal to improve the quality of the additive and the benefit of the products derived from mixed fermentation, such as lactic acid and other organic acids. These fermentation processes potentially eliminated pathogenic microorganisms. Regardless of the obtained results, poultry manure was no longer used in Cuba as inoculum for reasons of biological safety.
In their research, Díaz et al. (2014)Díaz, B., Elías, A. & Valiño E. 2014. Consorcios microbianos con actividad ácido-láctica promisoria aislados desde inoculantes bacterianos nativos para ensilajes. Revista Ciencia y Agricultura, 11(1): 17-25, ISSN: 2539-0899. isolated and characterized strains of lactic acid bacteria from native microbial preparations, made from agro-industrial wastes (whey, bovine manure and ruminal content), designed as biological inoculants for post-harvest organic waste silage processes. These authors proposed that other crop wastes could be studied with these inoculants.
Table 1 summarizes the most significant elements of different studies on Vitafert, in which chicken manure, bovine excrement, whey, rumen content were used as inoculum and final molasses as an energy source. Their effects on biological activity are also described.
Microbial inoculum | Purpose of the research | Results | References |
Fresh poultry manure | Evaluation of the inoculum applied by spraying on coffee husk beds and poultry manure. Supplementation of grazing Pelibuey sheep with beds inoculated with Vitafert. |
Calderón et al. (2005)Calderón JO., Elías, A. & Valdivié, N.M. 2005. Dynamics of the fermentation in solid state of the husk beds of coffee in beginning of ponedoras inoculated with Vitafert. Revista Electrónica de Veterinaria REDVET®, VI (05), ISSN: 1695-7504. |
Bovine manure, fresh whey or ruminal content | Obtaining microbial consortia with lactic acid activity for silages. | Díaz et al. (2014)Díaz, B., Elías, A. & Valiño E. 2014. Consorcios microbianos con actividad ácido-láctica promisoria aislados desde inoculantes bacterianos nativos para ensilajes. Revista Ciencia y Agricultura, 11(1): 17-25, ISSN: 2539-0899. | |
Ruminal content | Supplementation of broilers with a dry Vitafert. | Savón et al. (2020)Savón, L., Sánchez, B., Elías, A., Ortega, H.J., Gutiérrez, M., Scull, I. & Herrera, M. 2020. Effect of a dry fermented product on morphological, immunological, histological and health indicators of broilers. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 54(1): 85-94, ISSN: 2079-3480. |
The introduction of natural yogurt to obtain Vitafert gave the zootechnical additive a high concentration of metabolites during fermentation, due to its content of lactic acid bacteria. This formulation was obtained as a safer alternative to previous biological inoculants. Table 2 shows the different researchers carried out with Vitafert, made with yogurt as inoculum, in ruminant and monogastric animals, obtained not only under laboratory conditions but also under production conditions.
Purpose of the research | Results | References |
Gutiérrez et al. (2012)Gutiérrez, D., Elías, A., García, R., Herrera, F., Jordán, H. & Sarduy, L. 2012. Effect of the microbial additive VITAFERT on the intake of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber in Saanen goats fed Brachiaria brizantha hay. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 46(3): 267-21, ISSN: 2079-3480. |
Inclusion of the microbial additive Vitafert in the in vitro ruminal fermentation of a diet for goats. |
Rodríguez et al. (2013)Rodríguez, R., Lores J., Gutiérrez, D., Ramirez A., Gómez S., Elias, A., Aldana A.I., Moreira O., Sarduy L. & Jay O. 2013. Inclusión del aditivo microbiano Vitafert en la fermentación ruminal in vitro de una dieta para cabras. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 47(2): 171-178, ISSN: 0034-7485. |
Evaluation of the MUSS-LACTIBIOL supplement (Vitafert variant) in beef production. | Castellón et al. (2014)Castellón, M., Elías, A. & Jordán, H. 2014. Evaluation of peanut hay (Arachis hypogaea) with grass silage and a protein-energy supplement for fattening bulls with different starting live weights. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 48(3): 235-239, ISSN: 2079-3480. | |
Evaluation of the inclusion of Vitafert as a microbial additive in the behavior and health of growing pigs |
Lazo-Pérez et al. (2017)Lazo-Pérez, L., Ruiz, Q.D., Elías, A., Herrera, F.R. & Zamora I. 2017. Efecto de un aditivo microbiano VITAFERT en algunos indicadores bioproductivos y de salud en cerdos en crecimiento. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 51(3): 321-328, ISSN: 2079-3480. |
Effect of beneficial microorganisms activated in the finishing of bulls in silvopastoral system with leucaena, supplemented with sugar cane. | Iraola et al. (2017)Iraola, J., Elías, A., Gutiérrez, D., García, Y., Fraga, L.M., Vázquez, A., Barros-Rodríguez, M., Hernández, J.L. & Herrera, F. 2017. Efecto de microorganismos beneficiosos activados en la finalización de toros en silvopastoreo con leucaena, complementados con caña de azúcar. Revista Científica FCV-LUZ, XXVII 27 (6): 403-410, ISSN: 2521-9715. | |
Biological response in broiler that intake 2 % of Vitafert + corn meal (1:1), sun-dried and a diet with Moringa oleifera foliage meal, Supergenius variety (10 %) | Bustamante et al. (2021)Bustamante, D.G, Savón, L., Elías, A. I, Caro, Y.R, Valiño, E.C., Rojas, M.V., Martin, C.N. & Mireles, S. 2021. Chemical and microbiological characterization of a technological variant of Vitafert intended for animal production. Technical note. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 55(2): 61-73, ISSN: 2079-3480. |
The production of Vitafert using sugar cane molasses as an energy source in the fermentation process showed difficulties due to its limited availability and the quantities needed to be used under production conditions. Hence, its replacement in the formulation with raw sugar not suitable for human consumption was evaluated. The new variant was produced under production conditions and its effect as an additive was proven to make it accessible to medium and small pig producers in Cuba, mainly (table 3).
Purpose of the reseacher | Results | References |
Evaluation of different levels of Vitafert in growing and fattening pigs. | Vitaluña (2014)Vitaluña, O.V.M. 2014. Evaluación de diferentes niveles de VITAFERT en crecimiento – engorde de cerdos. Trabajo de Titulación para Ing. Zootecnista. Riobamba, Ecuador. p. 48. | |
Evaluation of the zootechnical additive Vitafert in the productive performance and health of pre-fattening piglets. | Beruvides et al. (2018)Beruvides, A., Elías, A., Valiño, E.C., Milián, G., Lezcano, Y., Moliner, J.L., Rodríguez, M. & Zamora, H. 2018. Evaluation of the zootechnical additive Vitafert in the productive performance and health of pre-fattening piglets. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 52(1): 49-56, ISSN: 2079-3480. | |
Effect of the zootechnical additive Vitafert on the biological response of piglets. | Beruvides et al. (2020)Beruvides, A., Elías A., Valiño, E.C., Milián, G., Rondón, A., Rodríguez, M., Lezcano, Ya., Brea, O., Milián, J., Laurencio, M., Valdivia, A., Sánchez, L., Sarduy, L., Herrera, M., Cobo, R., Caro, Y., Fuentes, L., Matos, M., Bustamante, D., Vera, R., Betancourt, C. & Mendoza, M. 2020. Efecto del aditivo zootécnico Vitafert en la respuesta biológica de crías porcinas. Libro: Editorial académica española. Is trademark of international Book Market Service Ltd., KS OmniScriptum Publishing group, p. 1-100, ISBN: 978-620-0-41183-9. | |
Evaluation of productive and health response in pigs using the Vitafert additive. Chemical and microbiological characterization. | Beruvides et al. (2021)Beruvides, A., Elías, A., Valiño, E.C., Milián, G., Rondón, A.J., Rodríguez, M. & Milián, J. 2021. Chemical and microbiological characterization of the zootechnical additive Vitafert, under small-scale production conditions. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 55(1): ISSN: 2079-3480. | |
Productive and health performance in suckling piglets, supplemented with sugar, fermented with yogurt | Beruvides et al. (2023)Beruvides, A., Elías, A., Valiño, E.C., Milián, G., Rodríguez, M. & González, R. 2023. Comportamiento productivo y de salud en lechones lactantes suplementadas con azúcar fermentado con yogurt. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 30, Article #72, ISSN: 0121-3784. |
In the previous researchers has shown that Vitafert positively influences on the physiology and productive performance of animals. Effects that were attributed, mainly, to the presence of beneficial microorganisms with probiotic activity, proven in birds, pigs, calves and to its content of organic acids with antimicrobial action and modulation of the immune system. Likewise, other studies showed that Vitafert stimulated the fermentation process and increased the nutritional value of grasses, foliages, forages, fruits, legumes and protein plants, crop residues or mixtures of these sources, as a starter culture (table 4).
Purpose of the research | Results | References |
Obtaining a food, fermented in a solid state from the returned bagasse, polished rice and inoculants. |
Cárdenas et al. (2008)Cárdenas, J.R., Aranda, E.M., Hernández, D., Lagunes, L.C., Ramos, J.A. & Salgado, S. 2008. Obtención de un alimento fermentado en estado sólido a partir del bagacillo de retorno, pulido de arroz e inóculos. Su utilización en la alimentación animal. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 42(2): 173-176, ISSN: 0034-7485. |
Inclusion of Vitafert as an inoculum in the solid fermentation of breadfruit meal for diets of pre-fattening pigs. | Brea et al. (2014)Brea, O., Ortiz, A., Elías, A., Herrera, F. & Motta, W. 2014. Solid-state fermentation of the fruit meal from the breadtree (Artocarpus altilis) in diets for pre-fattening pigs. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 48(4): 391-398, ISSN: 2079-3480. | |
Evaluation of the chemical composition and ruminal degradability of DM from silage mixtures of Tithonia diversifolia: Pennisetum purpureum cv. Cuba CT-169, inoculated with Vitafert. |
Gutiérrez et al. (2014)Gutiérrez, D., Morales A. Elías, A. García, R. & Sarduy L. 2014. Chemical composition and in situ ruminal degradability of dry matter in mixed silages of Tithonia diversifolia: Pennisetum purpureum cv. Cuba CT-169, inoculated with Vitafert. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 48(4): 379-385, ISSN: 2079-3480. |
Inclusion of Vitafert in the nutritional value of Tithonia diversifolia and Pennisetum purpureum silages. | Morales et al. (2016)Morales, A., Rodríguez, R., Gutiérrez, D., Elías, A., Gómez, S. & Sarduy L. 2016. Evaluación de la inclusión de VITAFERT en el valor nutritivo de ensilajes de Tithonia diversifolia y Pennisetum purpureum. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 50(4): 619-630, ISSN: 2079-3480. | |
Obtaining an inoculant that enhances solid fermentation from postharvest wastes of Solanum tuberosum | Borrás et al. (2017Borrás, L.M., Valiño, E.C. & Rodríguez, C. 2017. Preparado microbiano con actividad ácido láctica como acelerante biológico en los procesos de fermentación para alimento animal. Ciencia y agricultura, 14(1): 7-13, ISSN: 0122-8420., 2020 aBorrás, L.M., Valiño, E.C., Elías, A., Martínez, J.J., Sanabria, A.M. & Becerra, M.L. 2020a. Solid-state fermentation of post-harvest wastes of Solanum tuberosum and a microbial preparation. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 54(4): 525-533, ISSN: 2079-3480., bBorrás, L.M., Valiño, E.C., Elías, A., Martínez, J.J., Sanabria, A.M. & Becerra, M.L. 2020b. Efecto del carbonato de calcio CaCO3 en la fermentación en estado sólido de residuos de poscosecha de Solanum tuberosum con un preparado microbial. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 54(4): 535-545, ISSN: 2079-3480.; 2021)Borrás, L.M., Valiño, E.C., Elías, A., Martínez, J.J., Sanabria, A.M. & Becerra, M.L. 2021. Efecto de la inclusión de materiales fibrosos en la fermentación en estado sólido de residuos poscosecha de S. tuberosum inoculado con un preparado microbiano. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 55(1): 31-42, ISSN: 2079-3480. | |
Evaluation of the nutritional value of mixed silages of Cenchrus purpureus cv. Cuba CT-169 and Moringa oleifera with the inclusion of 1 % Vitafert and Ipomoea batata (0, 5, 10 and 15 %) | Rodríguez et al. (2019)Rodríguez, R., Herrera, F., Gómez, S., González, N., Alonso G.J., Elías, A., Moreira, O., Sarduy, L. & Medina, Y. 2019. Effects of including sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and Vitafert as additives on the nutritional value of Cenchrus purpureus cv. CUBA CT-169 and Moringa oleifera silages. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 53(2): 119-133. ISSN: 2079-3480. |
Final considerations
⌅In most of the researchers, where Vitafert was applied in its different formulations and technological variants, improvements were obtained in the indicators evaluated in the animals that intake it or in the quality of the plant materials where it was applied. The microorganisms present in Vitafert and its metabolites are considered to have been able to promote the absorption of nutrients, strengthen the barrier function of the intestinal mucosa, improve the balance of the intestinal microbiota, promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms, inhibit the growth of pathogens and modulate immunity. However, the effectiveness of the zootechnical additive depended on its chemical and microbiological composition, the dose, mode and frequency of application, as well as the species or category of animal that intake it.
Due to its importance, it is proposed to continue the researchers carried out with the Vitafert additive to improve the process of obtaining and optimizing it, in addition to its mechanism of action that generates beneficial responses in animals, based on advanced technologies in health and nutrition.