⌅The use of microbial additives, such as probiotics, in animal feeding contributes to improved health and greater use of foods (Rondón et al. 2020Rondón, A. J., Socorro, M., Beruvides, A., Milián, G., Rodríguez, M., Arteaga, F. & Vera, R. 2020. Probiotic effect of PROBIOLACTlL®, SUBTILPROBIO® and their mixture on productive and health indicators of growing pigs. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 54 (3): 1-10, ISSN: 2079-3480. and Milián et al. 2022Milián, G., Rondón, A.J., Rodríguez, M., Beruvides, A. & Pérez, M. L. 2022. Endospores of Bacillus subtilis with probiotic potential in animals of zootechnical interest. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 56(3): 145-153, ISSN: 2079-3480. ), which allows increasing production yields and, consequently, the availability and quality of milk, meat and eggs for the population (García et al. 2016García, Y., Pérez, T., Boucourt, R., Balcázar, J.L., Nicoli, J.R., Moreira, J., Rodríguez Z., Fuertes H., Núñez O., Albelo N. & Halaihel, N. 2016. Isolation, characterization and evaluation of probiotic lactic acid bacteria for potential use in animal production. Research in Veterinary Science, 108: 125-132, ISSN: 1532-2661. Animal studies use laboratory-grown microorganisms or commercial probiotics. The most important aspects for its production are the adequate selection of the strain or strains, the culture medium and the fermentation conditions that allow obtaining a high level of microbial viability during the process (FAO 2016FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). 2016. Probiotics in animal nutrition-Production, impact and regulation by Yadav S. Bajagai, Athol V. Klieve, Peter J. Dart and Wayne L. Bryden. Editor Harinder P.S. Makkar. FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No. 179. Rome, ISSN: 0254-6019. and Fenster et al. 2019Fenster, K., Freeburg, B., Hollard, C., Wong, C., Laursen, R.R. & Ouwehand, A.C. 2019. The production and delivery of probiotics: A review of a practical approach. Microorganisms, 83: 1-17, ISSN: 2076-2607. The stability of the probiotic additive during formulation and storage is an indispensable requirement for a successful commercial production (Ramlucken et al. 2021Ramlucken, U, Ramchurana, S.O., Moonsamya, G., Jansen van Rensburgc, C., Thantshab, M.S. & Lallooa, R. 2021. Production and stability of a multi-strain Bacillus based probiotic product for commercial use in poultry. Biotechnology Reports, 29: e00575, ISSN: 2215-017X.
The selection of the microbial strain or strains is the first step in the design of a probiotic product. These should be generally recognized as safe (GRAS) microorganisms, able of surviving in the gastrointestinal tract and tolerating low pH and high concentrations of bile salts (Vinderola et al. 2017Vinderola, G., Gueimonde, M., Gomez-Gallego, C., Delfederico, L. & Salminen, S. 2017. Correlation between in vitro and in vivo assays in selection of probiotics from traditional species of bacteria. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 68: 83-90, ISSN: 1879-3053. Other desired characteristics are the ability of probiotic strains to adhere to the intestinal epithelium for subsequent colonization (Endo and Gueimonde 2016Endo, A. & Gueimonde, M. 2016. Isolation, identification and characterization of potential new probiotics. In: Advances in Probiotic Technology. Foerst, P. & Santivarangkna, C. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, p. 45. ISBN: 978-1-4987-3458-5. ), being genetically stable microorganisms and having high growth rates. Furthermore, the chosen strain must maintain its viability and probiotic activity during the manufacturing, transportation and storage processes (Molina 2019Molina, A. 2019. Probióticos y su mecanismo de acción en alimentación animal. Agronomía Mesoamericana, 30(2): 601-611, ISSN: 2215-3608. https://doi:10.15517/am.v30i2.34432. and Kieps and Dembczynski 2022Kieps, J. & Dembczynski, R. 2022. Current Trends in the Production of Probiotic Formulations. Foods, 11: 2330, ISSN: 2304-8158.
In Cuba, the Instituto de Ciencia Animal (ICA) has been developing a research group for several years aimed at obtaining and evaluating probiotics with beneficial effects on the health and productive performance of animals. Based on the main results of these researchers, a group of strains was selected as those of greatest interest for the development of microbial additives and were deposited in the Microorganism Collection, belonging to the Bank of Microorganisms for Animal Production (BAMIAP) from ICA (Sosa et al. 2017Sosa, A., González, N., García, Y., Marrero, Y., Valiño, E., Galindo, J., Sosa, D., Alberto, M., Roque, D., Albelo, N., Colomina, L & Moreira, O. 2017. Collection of microorganisms with potential as additives for animal nutrition at the Institute of Animal Science. Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 51(3): 311-319, ISSN: 2079-3480. One of these strains is Lactobacillus pentosus LB-31, of avian origin, isolated from fermented excrement of broilers. The LB-31 strain showed the greatest probiotic potential in in vitro tests. Its beneficial action was confirmed in broilers (García et al. 2016García, Y., Pérez, T., Boucourt, R., Balcázar, J.L., Nicoli, J.R., Moreira, J., Rodríguez Z., Fuertes H., Núñez O., Albelo N. & Halaihel, N. 2016. Isolation, characterization and evaluation of probiotic lactic acid bacteria for potential use in animal production. Research in Veterinary Science, 108: 125-132, ISSN: 1532-2661., rainbow trout (García and Pérez 2015García, Y. & Pérez, T. 2015. Obtención de microorganismos con actividad probiótica para animales monogástricos. Anales de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba, 5(3): 1-19., growing pigs (Ayala et al. 2014Ayala, L., García, Y., Savón, L.L., Boucourt, R., Castro, M. & Herrera, M. 2014. Evaluación de la actividad probiótica del Lactobacillus pentosus en indicadores de salud y productivos de cerditos destetados. Revista Computadorizada de Producción Porcina, 21(3): 130-133, ISSN: 1026-9053. and pelibuey lambs (Gutiérrez et al. 2020Gutiérrez, D., García, Y. & Sosa, D. 2020. El efecto de Lactobacillus pentosus LB-31 como aditivo microbiano en la alimentación de corderos. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 32(3), Artículo No. 43, ISSN: 2521-9952. addition, LB-31 was used as an additive to improve the protein content of mixed silages for ruminant animals (Rodríguez et al. 2020Rodríguez, R., Ontivero, Y., García, Y., Sosa, D. & Gómez, S. 2020. Empleo del tubérculo de boniato (Ipomoea batatas L.) y la cepa Lactobacillus pentosus LB-31 como aditivos a ensilajes mixtos para rumiantes. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 32 (7), Artículo No. 117, ISSN: 2521-9952.
In recent studies, the process of obtaining the liquid probiotic with L. pentosus LB-31 was defined for its future production on an industrial scale (Sosa 2021Sosa, D. 2021. Proceso para la obtención de un probiótico con Lactobacillus pentosus LB-31 destinado a la producción animal. Tesis presentada en opción al grado científico de Doctor en Ciencias Técnicas. Mayabeque, Cuba.). For this purpose, an economical culture medium was selected that can replace the traditional medium De Man-Rogosa-Sharpe (MRS, pH 6.2±0.2), designed by De Man et al. (1960)De Man, J.C., Rogosa, M & Sharpe, M.E. 1960. A medium for the cultivation of Lactobacilli. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 23(1): 130-135, ISSN: 1365-2672., which is very expensive for use on an industrial scale. Different operating conditions were also evaluated in laboratory bioreactors and fermentation was scaled up to 30 L. Also, it was found that the new conditions for obtaining the additive did not affect the activity of the probiotic strain in broilers (Sosa et al. 2021Sosa, D., García, Y., Dustet, J.C., García, Y., Martínez, M., Sosa, A. & García, D. 2021. Efecto del aditivo probiótico Lactobacillus pentosus LB-31 en pollos de ceba. Revista MVZ Córdoba, 26(1): e2037, ISSN: 0122-0268. However, it is necessary to carry out stability and conservation studies of the additive to ensure high viability of the microorganisms during the storage process and, consequently, that they can preserve their probiotic effect on the host's gastrointestinal tract. For these reasons, the objective of this researcher was to determine the stability time and storage conditions of the probiotic additive with Lactobacillus pentosus LB-31 for animal production.
Materials and Methods
⌅The experiment was conducted at the Food Production Laboratory of Instituto de Ciencia Animal. This center is located at km 47 ½ of the Central Highway, at 22º 53' north latitude, 82º 02' west longitude and 92 m o. s. l, in San José de las Lajas municipality, Mayabeque province, Cuba.
Design and experimental treatments
⌅Completely random designs with six repetitions were used to evaluate the stability and conservation of the probiotic additive under ambient conditions (24±2 ºC) for a month (0, 7, 14, 21 and 30 d) and under refrigeration (4±2 ºC) for six months (0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 d). A total of six samples were taken at each time for the analysis that subsequently was eliminated.
Microorganism and preparation of the probiotic additive
⌅The Lactobacillus pentosus LB-31 strain was used, belonging to the Bank of Microorganisms for Animal Production (BAMIAP) from Instituto de Ciencia Animal (Mayabeque, Cuba). The LB-31 was identified by sequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene and its sequence is deposited in the GenBank with accession number: FR717464 (García et al. 2016García, Y., Pérez, T., Boucourt, R., Balcázar, J.L., Nicoli, J.R., Moreira, J., Rodríguez Z., Fuertes H., Núñez O., Albelo N. & Halaihel, N. 2016. Isolation, characterization and evaluation of probiotic lactic acid bacteria for potential use in animal production. Research in Veterinary Science, 108: 125-132, ISSN: 1532-2661. The probiotic additive was obtained from three fermentation batches in an 11 L bioreactor (BIONET, Spain) with an effective volume of 8 L of a culture medium designed with sugar cane molasses, urea, sodium acetate and ammonium citrate. The operating conditions of the equipment were established according to the methodology proposed by Sosa (2021)Sosa, D. 2021. Proceso para la obtención de un probiótico con Lactobacillus pentosus LB-31 destinado a la producción animal. Tesis presentada en opción al grado científico de Doctor en Ciencias Técnicas. Mayabeque, Cuba..
Stability and preservation of the probiotic additive
⌅A liquid culture from the Lactobacillus pentosus LB-31 strain with a concentration of 4.33x107 cfu/mL was used. The additive was packaged in sterile 100 mL glass bottles with plastic tops and placed at room temperature and in refrigeration. Cell viability, purity and pH were determined. Samples were taken and serial dilutions were made in saline solution (0.85 %, w/v) and the culture was seeded on plates with Rogosa agar. These were incubated for 24-48 h to determine the concentration of viable cells (cfu/mL) by visual counting of colonies. Gram stains were performed to check the purity of the culture and the pH was measured with a digital pH meter (Sartorius, Germany) with a precision of ±0.01 units.
Statistical analysis
⌅The experimental data were processed with the Infostat statistical package (Di Rienzo et al. 2012Di Rienzo J.A., Casanoves F., Balzarini M.G., Gonzalez L., Tablada M. & Robledo C.W. InfoStat versión 2012. Grupo InfoStat, FCA, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. Available in: All variables fulfill the theoretical assumptions and followed a lognormal distribution. When necessary, Duncan (1955)Duncan, D.E. 1955. Multiple range and multiple F test. Biometrics, 11: 1-42, ISSN: 0006-341X. multiple comparison test was used to discriminate differences between means at p<0.05.
Results and Discussion
⌅Figure 1 shows the performance of the microbial concentration (A) and pH (B) of the probiotic additive with Lactobacillus pentosus LB-31 during a month of storage at room temperature. There were no differences in the viability of lactic acid bacteria for the first 14 d of storage (figure 1A). After this time, the microbial concentration decreased from 4.33x107 to 1x107 cfu/mL (7.64 to 7.02 log cfu/mL) and remained at 91 % viability until 30 d. Regarding pH (figure 1B), there was a decrease at 7 d and from this moment on it remained stable.
Figure 2 shows the stability of the additive during six months of refrigerated storage. There were no differences in the concentration of lactic acid bacteria during the first 60 d of storage (figure 2A), since it maintained values of 4.33x107 cfu/mL (7.64 log cfu/mL) and subsequently decreased to 106 cfu/mL (6.01 log cfu/mL) and reached 78 % viability at the end of the study. The pH decreased at 30 d and remained stable until 180 d (figure 2B).
FAO/WHO (2002)FAO/WHO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization). 2002. Guidelines for the evaluation of probiotics in food. Report of a joint FAO/WHO working group on drafting guidelines for the evaluation of probiotics in food. April 30 and May 1. London Ontario, Canada. (Consulted: October 25). suggested that probiotics should have a minimum concentration of 106-107 cells/mL or g of product to ensure their efficacy. This study shows that the additive with Lactobacillus pentosus LB-31 maintains an adequate concentration to be used as a probiotic and that, in addition, it is stable up to 14 d at room temperature (4.33x107 cfu/mL) and 60 d under refrigerated conditions (3.74x107 cfu/mL).
In both storage conditions, macroscopic and microscopic observations of the culture showed that the colonies maintained their morphological and culture characteristics. In addition, the presence of contaminants was ruled out (figure 3).
Brizuela (2003)Brizuela, M.A. 2003. Selección de cepas de bacterias ácido lácticas para la obtención de un preparado con propiedades probióticas y su evaluación en cerdos. Tesis presentada en opción al grado científico de Doctor en Ciencias Veterinarias. La Habana, Cuba. and Rondón (2009)Rondón, A.J. 2009. Obtención de biopreparados a partir de lactobacilos autóctonos del tracto digestivo de pollos y evaluación de su efecto probiótico en estos animales. Tesis presentada en opción al grado científico de Doctor en Ciencias Veterinarias. Matanzas, Cuba. evaluated the stability of probiotic additives with different strains of lactobacilli in glass bottles at room temperature and under refrigeration conditions for 180 d. Both researchers reported that the additives were stable up to 30 days, and that from this moment on the viability of the microorganism decreased under environment and refrigerate conditions.
The international scientific literature reports several stability studies of probiotic microorganisms using different types of substrates and stability times shorter than those of this study. Among them are those of dos Santos et al. (2019)dos Santos Filhoa, A.L., Veloso Freitasa, H., Rodrigues, S., Gonçalves Abreua, V.K., de Oliveira Lemosa, T., Faria Gomesc, W., Naraind, N. & Fernandes Pereira, A.L. 2019. Production and stability of probiotic cocoa juice with sucralose as sugar substitute during refrigerated storage. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 99: 371-378, ISSN: 0023-6438., who studied the stability of Lactobacillus casei, cultured in cocoa juice for the same time and under the same conditions, and reported that the microbial concentration decreased from 108 to 107 cfu/mL. Fernandes et al. (2019)Fernandes Lemos Junior, W.J., Fioravante Guerra, A., Tarrah, A., da Silva Duarte, V., Giacomini, A., Helena Luchese, R. & Corich, V. 2019. Safety and Stability of Two Potentially Probiotic Lactobacillus Strains After in vitro Gastrointestinal Transit. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature, ISSN: 1867-1314. evaluated the stability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus DTA 79 and Lactobacillus paracasei DTA 83 in skimmed milk at 20 and 40 d of storage under refrigerated conditions (7 °C). The mentioned authors highlighted that, although one of the strains decreased its viability at 40 d, both remained at a concentration higher than 108 cfu/mL. Likewise, Tavares et al. (2018)Tavares A.G., Lacerda, C., Ribeiro, D. & Freitas, R. 2018. Combination of probiotic yeast and lactic acid bacteria as starter culture to produce maize-based beverages. Food Research International, 111: 187-197, ISSN: 1873-7145. showed that a probiotic drink based on fermented corn with the commercial probiotic Lactobacillus paracasei LBC-81, individually and in co-culture with several yeast strains, maintained its viability for 28 d under refrigeration conditions (4 °C) and that the concentration was within the recommended range for its use as a probiotic.
International patent databases also protect stability studies of some liquid probiotic products. Patent ES2674353 T3 (2018), for example, deal with a method for preparing liquid starter cultures with high stability and fermentative activity. These cultures reach concentrations higher than 109 cfu/mL and are only stable for 6 d between 3 and 5 °C.
The results of this study are encouraging and comparable with other probiotic products preserved under refrigeration, which have shorter stability times than the additive with LB-31. It should also highlight that no preservatives were added to the probiotic additive that could improve the survival of LB-31. However, despite these advantages and the container-closure system used (glass bottles with plastic tops) is the most commonly used for laboratory studies (Rondón 2009Rondón, A.J. 2009. Obtención de biopreparados a partir de lactobacilos autóctonos del tracto digestivo de pollos y evaluación de su efecto probiótico en estos animales. Tesis presentada en opción al grado científico de Doctor en Ciencias Veterinarias. Matanzas, Cuba., García et al. 2013García, M., Vidal Fonteles, T., Tibério de Jesus, A.L. & Rodrigues, S. 2013. Sonicated pineapple juice as substrate for L. casei cultivation for probiotic beverage development: Process optimisation and product stability. Food Chemistry, 139: 261-266, ISSN: 0308-8146. and Freire et al. 2017Freire, A.L., Ramos, C.L. & Schwan, R.F. 2017. Effect of symbiotic interaction between a fructooligosaccharide and probiotic on the kinetic fermentation and chemical profile of maize blended rice beverages. Food Research International, 100: 698-707, ISSN: 0963-9969., it is necessary to evaluate other types of packaging that facilitate the transport and storage processes when this type of product is industrially produced. Another aspect to take into account is the storage temperature, since the average ambient value in Cuba is 30±2 °C and this study was carried out at lower temperatures, mainly due to the season of year and the climatic conditions where it took place. It should also be considered that several researchers show that fermentation conditions can affect the viability, stability and functionality of the strain (Farnworth and Champagne 2016Farnworth, E.R. & Champagne, C.P. 2016. Production of Probiotic Cultures and Their Incorporation into Foods. In: Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics. PART II: Probiotics in Food, Chapter 20. Elsevier Inc, ISBN: 978-0-12-802189-7. and Aragón et al. 2018Aragón, S., Ruiz, R.Y., Hernández, H. & Quintanilla, M.X. 2018. Optimization of the production and stress resistance of the probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum K73 in a submerged bioreactor using a whey-based culture medium. Journal of Food, 16(1): 1064-1070, ISSN: 1947-6345., so all these parameters must be checked at each stage of the scaling process.
⌅The probiotic with Lactobacillus pentosus LB-31, without preservatives, is stable in glass bottles for 14 d at room temperature and for 60 d under refrigerated conditions.