Generalities on the Asteraceae family and Tithonia diversifolia. As part of the global flora, Asteraceae family is recognized by its abundance of species, which are calculated in 23,600 (between 24,000 and 30,000) and 1,690 genera, according to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew in England (2022)Royal Botanical Garden Kew. 2022. Asteraceae Bercht. & J. Presl. Accepted Genera. They represent between 8 and 10 % of the world flora. They are grass, shrubs, and trees spread around the world, except in Antarctica (Global Compositae Database 2022 Global Compositae Database 2022. ).
Around forty species have direct importance in human feeding such as vegetables (lettuce and artichokes) and oily seeds (sunflower). Through industrial processes, numerous products are extracted from hundreds of species of this family, which are used in pharmaceuticals and other economic sectors (Del Vitto and Pettenati 2009 Del Vitto, L.A. & Petenatti, E.M. 2009. "Asteráceas de importancia económica y ambiental: Primera parte. Sinopsis morfológica y taxonómica, importancia ecológica y plantas de interés industrial". Multequina, 18(2): 87-115, ISSN: 1852-7329. ).
Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray is known in Spanish by several common names such as botón de oro, árnica de la tierra, falso girasol, acahual, jagureté po, quil amargo, among many others. According to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew in England (2022)Royal Botanical Garden Kew. 2022. Asteraceae Tithonia Desf. ex Juss., it is a native plant in Arizona (United States), Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Central Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico, northeastern, northwestern, southeastern and southwestern Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama. Currently, it is cultivated or grows naturally in numerous countries in certain continents.
It is a perennial shrub that belongs to the Helianthae genetic group, the Asteraceae family, and has numerous medicinal attributes according to several ethnical groups and popular cultures of Mexico, Mesoamerica, the Caribbean, South America, Asia and Africa (Chagas et al. 2012 Chagas-Paula, D.A., Oliveira, R.B., Rocha, B.A. & Da Costa, F.B.2012. "Ethnobotany, chemistry, and biological activities of the genus Tithonia (Asteraceae)". Chemistry and Biodiversity, 9(2): 210-235, ISSN: 1612-1880. ). In agriculture, it has been studied, and its crops are used as green manure, attractive to beneficial entomofauna, and as strategic component of agroforestry (Calle and Murgueitio 2008Calle, Z. & Murgueitio, E. 2008. "El botón de oro: arbusto de gran utilidad para sistemas ganaderos de tierra caliente y de montaña". Revista Carta Fedegán, 108: 54-63, ISSN: 0123-2312.). In the field of ecological renewal, it is outstanding for the recovery of degraded soils and for renewing severe eroded soils such as landslides and badlands (Calle and Carvajal 2012Calle, Z. & Carvajal, M. 2012. Cómo vivir en las montañas sin agotar el suelo. Fundación CIPAV - ISAGEN. Cali, Colombia. 56 p. ISBN 978-958-9386-69-9.).
Tithonia diversifolia, a special forage plant. Although its traditional use in medicine and apiculture is quite old, the forage attributes of this plant have been known for more than three decades in the feeding of numerous species of domestic animals (Navarro and Rodríguez 1990 Navarro, F. & Rodríguez E, F. 1990. Estudios de algunos aspectos bromatológicos de Mirasol (Tithonia diversifolia Hemls y Gray) como posible alternativa de alimentación animal. Tesis Universidad del Tolima, Tolima, Colombia. and Ríos 1998Ríos, C.I. 1998. Tithonia diversifolia (hemsl.) Gray, una planta con potencial para la producción sostenible en el trópico. Conferencia electrónica de la FAO sobre Agroforestería para la producción animal en Latinoamérica. http:/ ). Since then, research and application in livestock productive systems grow incessantly, primarily in Latin America and the Caribbean (Ruiz et al. 2014Ruíz, T.E., Febles, G.J., Galindo, J. L., Savón, L. L., Chongo, B.B., Torres, V., Cino, D.M., Alonso, J., Martínez, Y., Gutiérrez, D., Crespo, G.J., Mora, L., Scull, I., La O, O., González, J., Lok, S., González, N. & Zamora, A. 2014. "Tithonia diversifolia, sus posibilidades en sistemas ganaderos". Revista Cubana de Ciencia Agrícola, 48 (1): 79-82, ISSN: 0034-7485., Murgueitio et al. 2015 Murgueitio, E., Xóchitl, M., Calle, Z., Chará, J., Barahona, R., Molina, C.H. & Uribe F. 2015. Productividad en Sistemas silvopastoriles intensivos en América Latina. En: Montagnini, F., Somarriba, E., Murgueitio, E., Fassola, H., Eibl, B. (Eds). Sistemas agroforestales: funciones productivas, socioeconómicas y ambientales. Serie Técnica, Informe Técnico 402 CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Editorial CIPAV, Cali, Colombia. 454p. ISBN: 978-958-9386-74-3. and Mahecha et al. 2022 Mahecha-Ledesma, L., Angulo-Arizala, J. & Argüello-Rangel, J. 2022. Sistemas silvopastoriles: estrategia para la articulación de la ganadería bovina a desafíos del siglo XXI. En: H. Rodríguez Espinosa (Ed.), Innovación en la investigación agropecuaria (pp. 103-143). Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia. Fondo Editorial Biogénesis. ).
As Asteraceae forage plant, Tithonia diversifolia has features that differentiate it from other plants of this family that are used in cattle systems or in the feeding of smaller animals. Thus, it is a shrub, not a tree as it is the case of Montanoa quadrangularis, which can be used in ecological renewal in the Andes, agroforestry (Calle and Murgueitio 2010Calle, Z. & Murgueitio, E. 2010. "El arboloco: un árbol extraordinario para los sistemas ganaderos de los Andes tropicales". Revista Carta Fedegán, 120: 70-77, ISSN: 0123-2312.), and feeding of domestic animals (Boada et al. 2017Bohada-Hurtado, C.M., Ospina, L.A. & Vargas-Sánchez, E. 2017. "Identificación y caracterización de especies vegetales con potencial forrajero en trópico alto de la cuenca del rio tapias". Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 29, Article #100. Retrieved: April 15, 2022. It is not a weed of small size as most of the Asteraceae, and it is perennial unlike “palocote” (Tithonia tubiformis), which is annual (Rzedowski and Rzedowski 2005Rzedowski, G.C. de & Rzedowski, J. 2005. Flora fanerogámica del Valle de México. 2a. ed., 1a reimp., Instituto de Ecología, A.C. y Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, Pátzcuaro (Michoacán), 1406 pp.). Tithonia diversifolia does not produce edible tubers rich in inulin as “dalia” (Dhalia imperialis) (Ayala-Russi et al. 2015Ayala Russi, A.M., Rincón Camacho, J.C., Navas Panadero, A. & Gonzales Guarín, J. 2015. "Evaluación de la selectividad de especies arbóreas con potencial forrajero en bovinos en ecosistemas de bosque húmedo premontano". Revista Ciencia Animal, 1(9): 4, ISSN: 2389-8879.), “yacón” (Smallanthus sonchifolius) (Lopera-Marín 2020 Lopera-Marín, J.J., Angulo-Arizala, J., Murgueitio Restrepo, E. & Mahecha-Ledesma, L. 2020 "Producción de tubérculos y biomasa aérea del yacón, Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp.) H. Rob. (Asteraceae), para alimentación animal en el trópico alto colombiano". Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 32, Article #135, ISSN: 2521-9952. Retrieved: September 25, 2022. ), “topinambur” or “alcachofa de Jerusalén” (Helianthus tuberosus) (Shariati et al. 2021Shariati, M.A., Khan, M.U., Hleba, L., Krebs de Souza, C., Tokhtarov, Z., Terentev, S., Konovalov, S., Arduvanova, F., Batishcheva, N., Shigapov, I., Ekaterina, S. & Kantimerova, M. 2021. "Topinambur (the Jerusalem artichoke): Nutritional value and its application in food products: An updated treatise". Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 10(5): e4737, ISSN: 1338-5178. Nevertheless, it has the same domestication place as sunflower (Helianthus annus): Mexico (Bye et al. 2009Bye, R., Linares, E. & Lentz, D.L. 2009. "México: Centro de Origen de la Domesticación del Girasol". Tip Revista Especializada en Ciencias Químico-Biológicas, 12(1): 5-12, ISSN: 1405-888X.). It produces seeds rich in distilled oil for human intake. However, the byproduct of the extraction (sunflower cake) is used in animal feeding.
Tithonia diversifolia shares with many plants of the Asteraceae family, the production of flowers rich in nectar and pollen, which turns it into a species demanded by bees (Araujo-Mondragón and Redonda-Martínez 2019Araujo-Mondragón, F. & Redonda-Martínez, R. 2019. "Flora melífera de la región centro-este del municipio de Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México". Acta Botánica Mexicana, 126: e1444, ISSN: 2448-7589. Moreover, it is closely related to a diverse entomofauna and it is beneficial to crops. Although there are few scientific papers published in this respect, for many decades, beekeepers and honey manufacturers have cultivated plants of Tithonia diversifolia to feed bees all year round through practices of cutting per stage that permit keeping flowers as months pass by. This is an indispensable attribute due to the native and agricultural floral supply is extremely seasonal (Cardozo 2013 Cardozo, B.A. 2013. Abejicultura Natural Extensiva: La Finca en el Aire para los Sistemas Agrosilvopastoriles. I Encuentro Agrosilvopastoril Venezolano 17 al 19 de Octubre, San Javier, estado Yaracuy, Venezuela. ).
Due to its agricultural applications, one of the most outstanding traits of Tithonia diversifolia is its capacity of adapting to a wide range of climatic environments, agroecosystems and soil types, evidencing great regrowth ability and green biomass yield. Therefore, in recent years, research has been conducted to document its productive behavior in different agroecological contexts and to deepen into the genetic differentiation of geographic origins for genetic selection and improvement initiatives (Ruiz et al. 2014Ruíz, T.E., Febles, G.J., Galindo, J. L., Savón, L. L., Chongo, B.B., Torres, V., Cino, D.M., Alonso, J., Martínez, Y., Gutiérrez, D., Crespo, G.J., Mora, L., Scull, I., La O, O., González, J., Lok, S., González, N. & Zamora, A. 2014. "Tithonia diversifolia, sus posibilidades en sistemas ganaderos". Revista Cubana de Ciencia Agrícola, 48 (1): 79-82, ISSN: 0034-7485., Rivera et al. 2017Rivera, J.E., Gómez-Leyva, J.F., Castaño, K., Morales, J.G., Barahona, R. & Del Val, R. 2017. Molecular, chemical and morphological diversity in Tithonia diversifolia (hemsl.) Gray for animal feed in Colombia and Mexico. Libro de Actas IX Congreso Internacional Sobre Sistemas Silvopastoriles. Manizales, Colombia, 6‒8 September 2017. p. 249–255. (In Spanish)., Rivera et al. 2018bRivera, J.E., Chará, J., Gómez-Leyva, J.F., Ruíz, T. & Barahona, R. 2018b. "Phenotypic variability and phytochemical composition of Tithonia diversifolia A. Gray for sustainable animal production". Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 30, Article#200, ISSN: 2521-9952. Retrieved: May 11, 2022., Santos-Gally and Boege et al. 2022Santos-Gally, R. & Boege, K. 2022. Biodiversity Islands: The Role of Native Tree Islands Within Silvopastoral Systems in a Neotropical Region. In: Montagnini, F. (eds) Biodiversity Islands: Strategies for Conservation in Human-Dominated Environments. Topics in Biodiversity and Conservation, vol 20. Springer, Cham. and Ziegler et al. 2022Ziegler, A., Rossner, M. B. & Yáñez, E.A. 2022."Defoliation frequency and intensity effects on biomass production and the morphology of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray". Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 34, Article #62, ISSN: 2521-9952. Retrieved: September 25, 2022.
Despite its adaptability, in neo-tropical areas, and the use of this species in agroforestry and silvopastoral crops in which it tolerates a wide gradient of luminosity (Murgueitio et al. 2015 Murgueitio, E., Xóchitl, M., Calle, Z., Chará, J., Barahona, R., Molina, C.H. & Uribe F. 2015. Productividad en Sistemas silvopastoriles intensivos en América Latina. En: Montagnini, F., Somarriba, E., Murgueitio, E., Fassola, H., Eibl, B. (Eds). Sistemas agroforestales: funciones productivas, socioeconómicas y ambientales. Serie Técnica, Informe Técnico 402 CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Editorial CIPAV, Cali, Colombia. 454p. ISBN: 978-958-9386-74-3. and Mahecha et al. 2022 Mahecha-Ledesma, L., Angulo-Arizala, J. & Argüello-Rangel, J. 2022. Sistemas silvopastoriles: estrategia para la articulación de la ganadería bovina a desafíos del siglo XXI. En: H. Rodríguez Espinosa (Ed.), Innovación en la investigación agropecuaria (pp. 103-143). Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia. Fondo Editorial Biogénesis. ), it tends to do better (more production and survival time) under humid tropical agroecosystem conditions (rainfall between 1,000 and 3,000 mm per year, and average temperature higher than 20 degrees Celsius).
The growing interest of cattle farmers of all kinds in adopting silvopastoral systems with Tithonia diversifolia created a technological demand for spread methods because the most used method is agamic reproduction (cuttings). Establishing larger surfaces, the absence of artificial irrigation in most of the cattle areas, and the losses associated with the use of cuttings in changing climatic conditions are the main incentive for researchers to advance in recent years in studies of phenology dealing with details of floral biology and germination practices (Santos-Gally et al. 2019Santos-Gally, R., Boege, K., Fornoni, F. & Domínguez, C. 2019. Ganadería sostenible en la región de Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México: el equilibrio entre la producción y la conservación de la biodiversidad. Chará, J., Peri, P. & Rivera, J. (eds). Actas IX Congreso Sistemas Silvopastoriles. Aporte a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Cali, Colombia, p. 318. and Rodríguez et al. 2019Rodríguez, I., Padilla, C. & Ojeda, M. 2019. "Características de la germinación de la semilla gámica de Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) Gray y su comportamiento en condiciones de vivero". Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 31, Article #69, ISSN: 2521-9952. Retrieved: May 11, 2022. Some studies have also focused on the effect of latency on germination (Santos-Gally et al. 2019Santos-Gally, R., Boege, K., Fornoni, F. & Domínguez, C. 2019. Ganadería sostenible en la región de Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México: el equilibrio entre la producción y la conservación de la biodiversidad. Chará, J., Peri, P. & Rivera, J. (eds). Actas IX Congreso Sistemas Silvopastoriles. Aporte a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Cali, Colombia, p. 318.), the determination of the seed harvest time (Padilla et al. 2018Padilla, C., Rodríguez, I., Ruiz, T.E & Herrera, M. 2018."Determinación del mejor momento de cosecha de semilla gámica, Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) Gray". Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 30, Article #71, ISSN: 2521-9952. Retrieved: May 11, 2022. and Padilla et al. 2020a Padilla, C., Rodríguez, I., Herrera, M., Ruíz, T., Mesa, Y. & Sarduy, L. 2020. Mejor momento de cosecha en la producción y calidad de semilla gámica de Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray según estado fenológico de la estructura floral. Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 32, Article #146, ISSN: 2521-9952. Retrieved: May 11, 2022. ), as well as the gamic seed production, quality and assessment of practices for their protection, and crop performance (Romero et al. 2014Romero Medina, O., Galindo Ospina, A., Murgueitio Restrepo, E. & Calle Díaz, Z. 2014. and Padilla et al. 2020bPadilla, C., Rodríguez, I., Ruiz, T.E., Ojeda, M., Sarduy, L. & Díaz, L. 2020."Evaluación de diferentes prácticas de protección de la semilla gámica en el establecimiento de Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) Gray vc material 16". Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 32, Article #50, ISSN: 2521-9952. Retrieved: May 11, 2022., and even on research related to the germination capacity of gamic seeds of plants with different regional origin (Ruiz et al. 2018Ruiz, T.E., Febles, G., Achan, G., Díaz, H. & González, J. 2018. "Capacidad germinativa de semilla gámica de materiales colectados de Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) Gray en la zona centro-occidental de Cuba". Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume30, Article #5, ISSN: 2521-9952. Retrieved: October 3, 2022.
Another adaptation attribute recorded recently is the regrowth capacity of Tithonia diversifolia after frost, as well as its growth and biomass yield, with a range of light interception higher than those of many forage shrubs (González et al. 2017 González, P.A., Loto, M., Rossner, M.B., Colcombet, L., Rogerio, M. & Kimmich, G. 2017 Productividad de Tithonia diversifolia bajo distintos niveles de sombra en la Provincia de Misiones, Argentina. Proceedings of the IX Congreso internacional de sistemas silvopastoriles, Manizales, Colombia, 6-8 September, p. 471-477. ), which permits designing more complex agroforestry and silvopastoral systems with different components in prairies and in the higher tree stratum, and hence generating new opportunities of research including cattle management and behavior (Loto et al. 2021 Loto, M., Colcombet, L., Kimmich, G., Kimmich, D., González, P., Rossner, M. B. & Ziegler, A. 2021. Respuesta productiva en la recría de hembras de reposición bajo un Sistema Silvopastoril Triestrato y pastura a cielo abierto en Misiones, Argentina. En: Rivera J., Colcombet L., Santos-Gally R., Murgueitio E., Díaz M., Mauricio R., Peri P., Chará J. 2021. Sistemas Silvopastoriles: Ganadería Sostenible con Arraigo e Innovación. CIPAV. Cali, Colombia. ISBN: 978-958-9386-99-6. ).
High contents of nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus combined with mid to high digestibility, and mid fiber and secondary metabolite contents have accounted for good productive performance of Tithonia diversifolia in beef and milk or in mutton productive systems (Osuga et al. 2012 Osuga, I.M., Abdulrazak, S.A., Muleke, C.I. & Fujihara T. 2012."Potential nutritive value of various parts of wild sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) as source of feed for ruminants in Kenya". Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10(2): 632-635, ISSN: 1459-0263. , Ribeiro et al. 2016Ribeiro, R.S., Terry, S.A., Sacramento, J.P., Silveira, S.R., Bento, C.B.P., da Silva, E.F., Montovani, H.C., da Gama, M.A.S., Pereira, L.G.R., Tomich, T.R., Mauricio, R.M. & Chaves A.V. 2016. "Tithonia diversifolia as a supplementary feed for dairy cows". PLoS ONE, 11(12): e0165751, ISSN: 1932-6203. and Gallego-Castro et al. 2017 Gallego-Castro, L.A., Mahecha-Ledesma, L. & Angulo-Arizala, J. 2017. "Calidad nutricional de Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray bajo tres sistemas de siembra en el trópico alto". Agronomía Mesoamericana, 28(1): 213-222, ISSN: 2215-3608. ), whether through cutting and transporting or through forage banks (Solarte et al. 2013Solarte, L.H., Murgueitio, E., Gonzales, J.G., Uribe, F., Manzano, L. & Rivera, J.E. 2013. "Aporte nutricional de los Bancos Mixtos Forrajeros (BMF) a los sistemas de producción bovinos bajo pastoreo". Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 26(3):442, ISSN: 0120-0690.) or through direct browsing (Loto et al. 2015 Loto, M., Rossner, M.B., Colcombet, L. & Kimmich, G. 2015. Análisis preliminar de la calidad forrajera de Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) Gray en el Norte de Misiones, Argentina. Actas del III Congreso Nacional de Sistemas Silvopastoriles y VIII Congreso Internacional de Sistemas Agroforestales. Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, 7 al 9 de Mayo de 2015. and Rivera et al. 2015Rivera, J.E., Cuartas, C.A., Naranjo, J.F., Tafur, O., Hurtado, E.A., Arenas, F.A., Chará, J. & Murgueitio, E. 2015. "Effect of an intensive silvopastoral system (iSPS) with Tithonia diversifolia on the production and quality of milk in the Amazon foothills, Colombia". Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 27, Article#189 (In Spanish), ISSN: 2521-9952. Retrieved: May 11, 2022. Variability in these quality indicators have even been studied for several origins or ecotypes (Rivera et al. 2018bRivera, J.E., Chará, J., Gómez-Leyva, J.F., Ruíz, T. & Barahona, R. 2018b. "Phenotypic variability and phytochemical composition of Tithonia diversifolia A. Gray for sustainable animal production". Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 30, Article#200, ISSN: 2521-9952. Retrieved: May 11, 2022. Moreover, foliage preservation methods are noteworthy such as dehydration and silage (Fasuyi et al. 2010 Fasuyi, A.O., Dairo, F.A.S. & Ibitayo, F. J. 2010."Ensiling wild sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) leaves with sugar cane molasses". Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 22, Article #42, ISSN: 2521-9952. Retrieved: October 3, 2022. ), the latter being comparable to corn silage, with some advantages in highly-productive dairy cows (Angulo et al. 2022 Angulo-Arizala, J., Nemocón-Cobos, A.M., Posada-Ochoa, S.L. & Mahecha-Ledesma, L. 2022. "Producción, calidad de leche y análisis económico de vacas Holstein suplementadas con ensilaje de botón de oro (Tithonia diversifolia) o ensilaje de maíz". Biotecnología en el sector agropecuario y agroindustrial, 20(1): 27-40, ISSN: 1909-9959. ).
Scientific and empirical evidences are available about the use of foliage of this species (dry or fresh) for feeding other domesticated species such as laying hens or broilers (Rodríguez et al. 2018bRodríguez, B., Savón, L., Vázquez, Y., Ruiz, T.E. & Herrera, M. 2018b. "Evaluación de la harina de forraje de Tithonia diversifolia para la alimentación de gallinas ponedoras". Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 30, Article #56, ISSN: 2521-9952. Retrieved: October 3, 2022. by Gutiérrez-Castro and Hurtado-Nery 2019 Gutiérrez-Castro, L. & Hurtado-Nery, V. 2019. "Uso de harina de follaje de Tithonia diversifolia en la alimentación de pollos de engorde". Orinoquia, 23(2):56-62, ISSN: 2011-2629. ), pigs (Malavé 2021 Malavé Tumbaco, D.A. 2021. Evaluación del comportamiento productivo en cerdos en crecimiento alimentados con diferentes niveles de inclusión de harina de forraje de Tithonia diversifolia. La Libertad. UPSE, Ecuador. Matríz. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Tesis de Grado Ingeniero Agropecuario. 23p. and Scull et al. 2022Scull, I., Savón, L., Ruíz, T.E. & Rodríguez, Y. 2022. "Componentes químicos y efecto de la harina de forraje de Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl) en la calidad de la carne de cerdos en crecimiento-ceba". Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 34, Article #33, ISSN: 2521-9952. Retrieved: October 3, 2022., rabbits (Cano and Valencia 2018Cano Cardozo, N.E. & Valencia Trujillo, F.L. 2018. Matarratón (Gliricidia sepium), Botón de oro (Tithonia diversifolia) y Morera (Morus alba) tres especies forrajeras usadas como alternativa en la alimentación de conejos: revisión sistémica y meta-análisis. ECAPMA, 2(1). and Cabrera et al. 2020 Cabrera Díaz, L.R., Álvarez Sánchez, A. & Casanovas Cosío, E. 2020. "Sustitución parcial del concentrado por harina de forraje deshidratado de Tithonia diversifolia como alternativa en la ceba de conejos Pardo Cubano". Revista Científica Agroecosistemas, 7(3): 123-127, ISSN: 2415-2862. ), and Guinea pigs (Montero de la Cueva et al. 2019 Montero de la Cueva, JV., Macas Moreira, K.M., González Buitrón, K.T. & Mendoza Vélez, C.F. 2019. "Evaluación del botón de oro (Tithonia diversifolia) en la alimentación de cuyes". IDESIA, 37(4): 5-9, ISSN: 0718-3429. ), where partial substitution (10-20 %) of concentrated feeds (feedstuffs) is necessary, bring about positive economic effects (Quiñones et al. 2022Quiñones, N., Rodríguez, B., Ruiz, T.E., Vázquez, Y. & Rodríguez, H. 2022. "Resultados económicos del empleo de harina de forraje de Tithonia diversifolia en la dieta de diferentes categorías de aves". Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales, 10(2): 149–155, ISSN: 2346-3775.
In scientific papers on climatic change and its mitigation through different mechanisms of reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) (methane, CH4; nitrous oxide, N2O; and carbon dioxide, CO2), advances have been made as to knowledge on interactions between populations of rumen microorganisms, fermentative processes, actions of some secondary metabolites, interactions with pasture, and other components of ruminant diets, being relevant some reduction in emissions of CH4, and N2O, attributable to presence of Thitonia diversifolia foliage (Molina et al. 2015 Molina, I. C., Donney´s, G., Montoya, S., Villegas, G., Rivera, J.E., Lopera, J. J., Chará, J. & Barahona, R. 2015. Emisiones in vivo de metano en sistemas de producción con y sin inclusión de Tithonia diversifolia. En: Memorias 3° Congreso Nacional de Sistemas Silvopastoriles y VIII Congreso Internacional de Sistemas Agroforestales. Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina. INTA. 678-682 pp. , Rivera et al. 2018aRivera, J.E., Chará, J. & Barahona, R. 2018a. "CH4, CO2 and N2O emissions from grasslands and bovine excreta in two intensive tropical dairy production systems". Agroforestry Systems, 93(3): 915–928, ISSN: 1572-9680., Galindo-Blanco et al. 2019 Galindo-Blanco, J.L., Rodríguez-García, I., González-Ibarra, N., García-López R. & Herrera-Villafranca, M. 2018. "Silvopastoral system with Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray: effect on the rumen microbial population of cows". Pastos y Forrajes, 41(4): 273-280, ISSN: 2078-8452. , and Rivera and Chará 2021Rivera, J.E. & Chará, J. 2021. "CH4 and N2O emissions from cattle excreta: A review of main drivers and mitigation strategies in grazing systems". Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5: 657936, ISSN: 2571-581X.
Conclusions First International Symposium on “Botón de Oro” (Tithonia diversifolia) (Hemsl.) Gray in Cattle Production Systems. In the Ninth International Silvopastoral Congress, held in the city of Manizales, in Colombia, the First International Symposium on “Botón de Oro” (Tithonia diversifolia) (Hemsl.) Gray in Cattle Production Systems was developed. Lectures and short papers were presented about various strategic topics, and there was ample discussion on research advances and challenges for the years ahead.
The principal conclusions of the symposium were the following:
Tithonia diversifolia is a species with outstanding potential for animal feeding, in acid soils and mid temperatures (17 a 27 ºC), and rainfall above 900 mm per year, having better performance in areas of short dry periods.
Thanks to complex ecological relations that favor the cycle of key elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus, Tithonia diversifolia can reduce up to 15 % the cost of fertilization in associated crops.
Tithonia diversifolia has an outstanding supply of nutrients (especially protein) to different species of domestic animals. Likewise, it has adaptative capacity that permits it to grow in diverse edaphoclimatic conditions (in equatorial regions starting from sea level up to 2,500 m above sea level).
Its forage biomass yield is considered high, between 20 and 41 t of DM/ha/year, and between 2 and 5 kg of green forage per plant every 50 days.
It is also noteworthy its high recovery capacity, after cutting and browsing, and its low demand of input for cultivation.
Its growth capacity under shade effect is moderate (< 40 %), but superior to other forage species.
In different agroecological conditions, Tithonia diversifolia is able of accumulating large nitrogen amounts in its green leaves and stems (crude protein values, near or superior to 20 %).
It has low content of ADF and NDF (20 and 40 %, respectively), acceptable values of non-structural carbohydrates (near 11 %), and adequate values of minerals such as Ca, P and K.
Dry matter (DM) degradability in Tithonia diversifolia forage surpasses 60 %, which is considered superior to that of many tropical pastures and forages.
In Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, and Venezuela, production and quality of cow milk and beef have been managed to be increased, thanks to the contribution of foliage of Tithonia diversifolia, as compared to diets based on tropical pastures.
Partial substitution of balanced feeds (based mainly on cereals and soybean) has been proven in dairy cows of mid- and high-production without affecting yield and efficiency in the system (up to 20 %).
Agroforestry in cattle systems (silvopastoral), where Tithonia diversifolia is tested and used the most, constitutes forage banks (pure or mixed) for cut and carry and direct browsing in intensive and non-intensive silvopastoral systems.
There is scientific evidence permitting to state that Tithonia diversifolia foliage, as component of tropical diets for cattle can diminish methane emissions, modify fatty acids profile of milk, and enhance nitrogen use throughout the feeding system.
In Cuba, the Institute of Animal Science managed to prove great morphological and genetic diversity in plant materials from Tithonia diversifolia that have better attributes of growth, palatability and functionality, whether for cut and carry or for browsing. These differences were also found in studies of molecular diversity in Colombia (CIPAV) and Mexico (Instituto Tecnológico de Tlajomulco in Jalisco), having expressions in the agronomic and nutritional characteristics.
In order to expedite cultivation of Tithonia diversifolia at larger scale, research breakthroughs are known as to its agamic spread (cuttings). In this instance, the parts that take root the most are half-lignified stems from the middle part of the branch. Besides, in Colombia, Cuba and Mexico, advances have been made by identifying procedures to produce gamic seeds (sexual), based on figuring out time for flower collection, plant origin, and processing after collection. The germination capacity in gamic seeds is highlighted in some plant materials under test, with values up to 73 %. It is shown that seeds should be harvested when the achene is green, without petals, or dry, with dark coloration, and there are high values in number and weight for full seeds and a thousand seeds.
Due to the above-mentioned, Tithonia diversifolia is regarded as a species of great interest for farmers, technicians, professionals, and researchers from several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Between 2017 and 2022, work with Tithonia diversifolia in cattle systems continues quite active in Latin America and the Caribbean, regardless COVID 19 pandemic and socioeconomic crises related to its impact, and stronger manifestation of climatic change. Research, training, communication, rural extension, and technical assistance are multiplied in countries like Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic and Venezuela. During the eleventh International Silvopastoral Congress, held in Mexico in 2021, numerous research papers and successful experiences by farmers from various countries were presented (Rivera et al. 2021Rivera J., Colcombet L., Santos-Gally R., Murgueitio E., Díaz M., Mauricio R., Peri P. & Chará J. 2021. Sistemas Silvopastoriles: Ganadería Sostenible con Arraigo e Innovación. CIPAV. Cali, Colombia.656 p.).
⌅For more than three decades, Tithonia diversifolia forage attributes have been known. In recent years, scientific and technical knowledge has been consolidated permitting the feeding of numerous species of domestic animals.
Research on Tithonia diversifolia in cattle systems grows incessantly, especially in silvopastoral systems as part of numerous ecosystems of Latin America and the Caribbean. It is also studied in Africa and Asia.
Positive aspects and knowledge are sufficient to scale up to cattle landscapes and territories by using this species in urgent processes of climatic and socioeconomic resilience demanded in the fields.