In tropical regions, most grasses do not meet the mineral requirements of grazing dairy cows, so there are marked deficiencies that are associated with reproductive problems (McDowell and Arthington 2005McDowell, L.R. & Arthington. 2005. Minerales para rumiantes en pastoreo en regiones tropicales. 4th Ed. Ed. Universidad de La Florida. Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidad de la Florida. Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., p. 91. and García et al. 2010García, J.R., Cuesta, M., García-López, R., Quiñones, R., Figueredo, J.M., Faure, R., Pedroso, R. & Mollineda, A. 2010. "Characterization of the content of microelements in the soil-plant-animal system and its influence on cattle reproduction in the central region of Cuba". Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 44(3): 227-231, ISSN: 2079-3480.). In catlle herds, with an apparently adequate diet, alterations in protein, mineral and energy metabolism were diagnosed, with a manifest deterioration in reproductive capacity (García et al. 2011García, J.R., Cuesta, M., Silveira, E., Quiñones, R., Hernández, M. & Mollineda, A. 2011. "Desequilibrios metabólicos con especial referencia a las carenciales de minerales asociadas a problemas reproductivos en vacas lecheras de Cuba". Revista Electrónica de Veterinaria REDVET, 12(12): 1-12, ISSN: 1695-7504. ).
In catlle herds of the Andean region from Ecuador, more than 30 % and 65 % of cows were diagnosed with high concentrations in blood serum of urea nitrogen (BUN) and betahydroxybutyrate (B-OH), respectively, and more than 60 % of females with hypophosphataemia, hypocupremia and hypocinemia. All these nutritional and metabolic alterations were associated with the deterioration of reproductive indicators (Balarezo et al. 2016Balarezo, L.R., García-Díaz, J.R., Hernández-Barreto, M.A. & García-López, R. 2016. "Metabolic and reproductive state of Holstein cattle in the Carchi region, Ecuador". Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 50(3): 381-392, ISSN: 2079-3480.).
The energy in food is the limiting factor of reproduction for cows in the gestation-lactation transition period, which includes three weeks before and after parturition (Castro et al. 2012Castro, N., Kawashima, C., Van Dorland, H.A., Morel, I., Miyamoto, A. & Bruckmaier, R.M. 2012. "Metabolic and energy status during the dry period is crucial for the resumption of ovarian activity postpartum in dairy cows". Journal of Dairy Science, 95(10): 5804-5812, ISSN: 1525-3198 , DOI: However, there are criteria that suggest that the first weeks of the dry season should also be analyzed (Esposito et al. 2014Esposito, G., Irons, C.P. & Webb, C.E. 2014. "Interactions between negative energy balance, metabolic diseases, uterine health and immune response in transition dairy cows". Animal Reproduction Science, 144(3-4): 60-71, ISSN: 0378-4320, DOI:
The energy deficit causes an increase in B-OH, as a consequence of the mobilization of fats for obtaining energy, and decreases body condition, mainly during the transition period of the dairy cow. Consequently, energy deficiency affects the restart of postpartum ovarian activity (LeBlanc 2010LeBlanc, S. 2010. "Monitoring metabolic health of dairy cattle in the transition period". Journal of Reproduction and Development, 56(Suppl): S29-35, ISSN: 1348-4400, DOI: and uterine involution (Balarezo et al. 2018Balarezo, L.R, García-Díaz, J.R., Hernández-Barreto, M.A. &Vargas-Hernández, S. 2018. "Uterine Involution in Hosltein cows in the province of Carchi, Ecuador”. Revista MVZ Córdoba, 23(2): 6649-6659, ISSN: 0122-0268, DOI:
In addition to the previous, the energy deficit in the ration causes the negative energy balance (NEB) in the cows, which causes the disorder of the functions of the hypothalamic-hypophysis -ovary axis; and it affects the secretion, amplitude, and frequency of GnRH and LH pulses, which can cause reproductive problems (Walsh et al. 2007Walsh, R.B., Kelton, D.F., Duffield, T.F., Leslie, K.E., Walton, J.S. & LeBlanc, S.J. 2007. "Prevalence and risk factors for postpartum anovulatory condition in dairy cows". Journal of Dairy Science, 90(1): 315-324, ISSN: 1525-3198, DOI:
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of energy-mineral supplementation, fitted to the production conditions of the Andean region from Ecuador, on the metabolic profile and reproductive indicators of Holstein cows during the gestation-lactation transition period.
Location. The research was developed from August 2016 to July 2017, in Tufiño parish, Tulcán canton, El Carchi province. This region is located between the 1º12ʼand 43" North Latitude and 78º 33ʼ 12” West Longitude, an altitude of 2990 and 3450 m o.s.l. The soil is of the Andisol order, with an effective depth of 70 cm. The relief is undulating, with a slope percentage that fluctuated between 10 and 20 % (Balarezo et al. 2016Balarezo, L.R., García-Díaz, J.R., Hernández-Barreto, M.A. & García-López, R. 2016. "Metabolic and reproductive state of Holstein cattle in the Carchi region, Ecuador". Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 50(3): 381-392, ISSN: 2079-3480.), determined with GPS map 60 CSx.
The rainfalls ranges between 1 000 and 1250 mm in the rainy season (RS), from October to April, and from 700 to 850 mm, in the dry season (DS), from May to September. The average temperature fluctuates between 6 and 11°C, with minimums and maximums of 2 and 15°C, respectively.
Experimental design. A total of 32 Holstein cows were selected, between the third and fourth lactation, with an age between 4 and 8 years, and body condition (BC) ≥ 3.5. They were in rationed grazing by electric fence for 18 h. The bromatological composition of the supplied food and the intake is showed in table 1.
DMI:Dry matter intake, DM:dry matter, ME: metabolizable energy, CP: crude protein
Calfosal (multisalmin SA, Ecuador) was supplied, which has a Ca: P ratio of 2.25: 1 (table 2). It was orally applied, to guarantee between 100 to 150 g animal-1 d-1 of availability. Two groups of 16 animals each were randomly established . One group was used as a control and the other as a treated.
The animals from the treated group were given corn, in an amount of 1.0 kg DM, 30 d before parturition , and 2.0 kg DM at the beginning of lactation until 60 d postpartum (DPP). In addition, 20 mL of kirofosfan (Kirovet SA, Colombia) was parenterally applied, at 30 days before parturition (DBP), at parturition, and at 30 DPP. It contains sodium toldimfos (200 mg), zinc sulfate (1.1 mg), sodium selenite (0.33 mg), nicotinic acid (5 mg), potassium iodide (20 mg), manganese sulfate (1 mg) and 40 mg. copperxilin (Brouwer, Argentina), which contains copper glycinate (10 mg).
Taking blood samples. For the biochemical analyzes, 10 mL of blood was extracted by coccygeal venipuncture with vacutainer tubes, without anticoagulant. It was waited 24 h for the spontaneous retraction of the coagulum, it was centrifuged at 2,500 g for 10 min. and blood serum was obtained, which was frozen at -10°C until the analysis.
Determination of hematochemical parameters.The hemochemical indicators were determined in a Star Fax 3300 equipment (Aznar Diagnóstica, USA), using commercial kits, according to the manufacturer's procedures (table 3). All the analyzes were carried out in the diagnostic laboratory, Carlos Martínez Hoyos veterinary clinic, from Universidad de Nariño, Colombia.
Body condition. The BC was estimated by physical examination of the animals, which included inspection and palpation. It was classified on a scale of 1-5 points and divisions of 0.25 between them, according to the methodology proposed by Rodenburg (2004)Rodenburg, J. 2004. Body Condition Scoring of Dairy Cattle. OMAFRA Factsheet. [online] Order (92-122): 414-420. [Consulted 2010September 4]. .
Methodology for heat and artificial insemination detection. Heat detection was performed from 5-9 a.m. and from 3-7 p.m., by a trained man. As an auxiliary method, paint was used on the base of the cows' tails. An experienced technician carried out the insemination by depositing the semen in the body of the uterus, with a technical efficiency between 60 and 65 % in the last four years. Semen from proven fertility bulls was used, content in straws of 0.25 and concentrations of 32 million per dose.
Analysis of reproductive indicators. The parturition-first service intervals, parturition-conception interval, parturition-parturition interval, percentage of conceptions at first service and services per conceptions were determined. It was proceeded from individual records, according to the methodologies described by Brito et al. (2010)Brito, R., Blanco, G.S., Calderón, R., Preval, B. & Campo, E. 2010. Patología de la Reproducción Animal. 2nd Ed. Ed. Félix Varela. La Habana, Cuba, pp. 1-41, ISBN: 978-959-07-1279-1..
Statistical processing. The biochemical and reproductive indicators were compared between the control and treated groups by means of the t- Student test for independent samples. The statistical package StatgraphisCenturion Ver. XV.II (StatPoint Technologies 2010StatPoint Technologies. 2010. Statgraphics Centurion User Manual. Version 16.1 [Windows]. Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. The Plains, Virginia, U.S.A, Available: <>.) was used in these processes.
Table 4 shows the nutrient balance. At 35 DPP, in the treated group, the incorporation of corn and the supplementation of mineral salt orally satisfied the nutrients of metabolizable energy and Ca, respectively. However, the control group maintained the energy imbalance.
In both groups, the total CP contributions were higher than the requirements of these animals, and its concentration was in accordance with the estimated DM intake, which was 21.38 % in the control group and 19.37 % in the treated group; and 14.05 kg DM-1 and 15.85 kg DM-1, respectively. In the first case, the lower DMI could be due to excess protein, and the imbalance between this one and the energy (NRC 2001NRC (National Research Council). 2001. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. 7th Rev. Ed. Ed. The National Academies Press. Washington D.C., U.S.A, p. 381, ISBN: 978-0-309-06997-7, DOI:
The excess of CP in lactating animals, between 20 and 23 %, negatively affects the parturition-conception interval, decreases the pH in the uterus and increases the concentration of urea and P4 in blood in cows in early lactation (NRC 2001NRC (National Research Council). 2001. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. 7th Rev. Ed. Ed. The National Academies Press. Washington D.C., U.S.A, p. 381, ISBN: 978-0-309-06997-7, DOI: and Castro et al. 2012Castro, N., Kawashima, C., Van Dorland, H.A., Morel, I., Miyamoto, A. & Bruckmaier, R.M. 2012. "Metabolic and energy status during the dry period is crucial for the resumption of ovarian activity postpartum in dairy cows". Journal of Dairy Science, 95(10): 5804-5812, ISSN: 1525-3198 , DOI:
In both groups, the excess of N caused an energy expenditure to be able to eliminate it, increasing the open days, services per conception and interval between parturitions(David et al. 2018David, D.M., Campos, R., Apráez, J.E., Velez, M. & Zambrano, G.L. 2018. "Metabolic and reproductive response to energy supplementation in dairy cows in tropical highlands". Revista de Ciencias Agrícolas, 35(2): 51-63, ISSN: 2256-2273, DOI: However, energy supplementation facilitated a better energy-protein ratio (table 4).
The concentrations of Ca and Mg in blood serum did not differ at any time (P> 0.05) in the supplemented cows with respect to the control during the gestation-lactation transition period (table 5).
** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001 in rows indicate significant differences between the the values shown in each of them (t-Student).
DBP: days before parturition
DPP: days postpartum
The Ca for the two groups was always above the critical limit (CL) of deficiency established by McDowell and Arthington (2005)McDowell, L.R. & Arthington. 2005. Minerales para rumiantes en pastoreo en regiones tropicales. 4th Ed. Ed. Universidad de La Florida. Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidad de la Florida. Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., p. 91. . This agrees with the contribution of this mineral in the supplied food, which covered their requirements. Also, the dairy cow performs a strong action on Ca homeostasis, with the aim of preventing its loss, especially in highly productive animals or during prepartum (NRC 2001NRC (National Research Council). 2001. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. 7th Rev. Ed. Ed. The National Academies Press. Washington D.C., U.S.A, p. 381, ISBN: 978-0-309-06997-7, DOI:
In both groups, the Ca concentrations in blood serum decreased at 30 d of lactation with respect to the evaluation performed at 30 DBP. This was influenced by the high yield in dairy production and the start of production activity. However, as the Ca requirements are covered, the cow can support metabolic activity during the evaluated period.
In the research 88.8 % of the grasses samples showed deficient Mg values, according to the CLs suggested by McDowell and Arthington (2005)McDowell, L.R. & Arthington. 2005. Minerales para rumiantes en pastoreo en regiones tropicales. 4th Ed. Ed. Universidad de La Florida. Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidad de la Florida. Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., p. 91. . However, the supplementation with Calfosal substitute the nutritional requirements of this macroelement, which is corroborated in its concentrations in blood serum in both groups (table 5), although they did not differ (P> 0.05). This may be mainly due to an adequate ruminal pH and the appropriate absorption of this mineral (NRC 2001NRC (National Research Council). 2001. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. 7th Rev. Ed. Ed. The National Academies Press. Washington D.C., U.S.A, p. 381, ISBN: 978-0-309-06997-7, DOI: from the gastrointestinal system (Schonewille 2013Shonewille, J.T. 2013. "Magnesium in dairy cow nutrition: an overview". Plant and Soil, 368: 167-178, ISSN: 1573-5036, DOI:
The supplementation increased (P <0.01) the P concentrations in blood serum, at 30 and 60 DPP from 1.68 to 2.18 and 1.69 to 2.16 mmol/L, respectively (table 5), which must have decreased the losses of this macroelement due to its use in dairy production, and must have favored postpartum reproductive activity. For this reason, it is almost mandatory to supplement good quality minerals by different ways, including soil fertility enhancing procedures (McDowell and Arthington 2005McDowell, L.R. & Arthington. 2005. Minerales para rumiantes en pastoreo en regiones tropicales. 4th Ed. Ed. Universidad de La Florida. Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidad de la Florida. Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., p. 91. ).
In the treated group, cupremia and cinchemia were higher (P <0.001) at 30 and 60 DPP with respect to the control group (table 5). In the latter, at all evaluation moments, they were lower than the deficiency CL established by McDowell and Arthington (2005)McDowell, L.R. & Arthington. 2005. Minerales para rumiantes en pastoreo en regiones tropicales. 4th Ed. Ed. Universidad de La Florida. Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidad de la Florida. Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., p. 91. , consequently with the deficit of these microelements in the nutrient balance.
These results corroborate the Noval et al. (2016)Noval, E., García-Díaz, J.R., García-López, R. & Jiménez-Pérez, J. 2016. "Efecto de diferentes dosis de un compuesto inyectable de Cu, Zn y Mn en parámetros bioproductivos de la vaca lechera". Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 50(2): 371-380, ISSN: 2079-3480. reports, who refers that parenteral supplementation of 50 mg of Cu, 100 mg of Zn and 50 mg of Mn increased the cupremia and cinchemia, from five and 15 days after treatment, respectively. While, blood concentrations of both minerals become deficient at 60 d.
Under this research conditions, the P supplied in the diet covered the requirements of the dairy cows, but there were deficiencies of the macroelement in the blood serum of the animals, which could be caused by the excesses of CP and Mg in the diet.
The excessive contributions of CP and Mg originate in the rumen the formation of magnesium sulfate, which reduces the absorption of P in the small intestine (Djokovic et al. 2014Djokovic, R.D., Kurcubic, V.S. & Ilic, Z.Z. 2014. "Blood serum levels of macro-and micronutrients in transition and full lactations cows". Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20(3): 715-720, ISSN: 1310-0351.), and iron sulfide, which reduces the absorption of Cu at ruminal level (Arthington and Brown 2005Arthington, J.D. & Brown, W.F. 2005. "Estimation of feeding value of four tropical forage species at two stages of maturity". Journal of Animal Science, 83(7): 1726-1731, ISSN: 1525-3163, DOI: In addition, in the soil there are excesses of S and Fe (Balarezo et al. 2016Balarezo, L.R., García-Díaz, J.R., Hernández-Barreto, M.A. & García-López, R. 2016. "Metabolic and reproductive state of Holstein cattle in the Carchi region, Ecuador". Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 50(3): 381-392, ISSN: 2079-3480.) that condition the deficiency of Cu and Zn in the blood serum of cows (McDowell and Arthington 2005McDowell, L.R. & Arthington. 2005. Minerales para rumiantes en pastoreo en regiones tropicales. 4th Ed. Ed. Universidad de La Florida. Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidad de la Florida. Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., p. 91. ).
These aspects show that altought P, Cu and Zn are supplemented orally, there were deficiencies of these minerals or, at least, this way will not be the most effective for supplementation. This justifies the strategy of oral and parenteral mineral supplementation used in this research, which increased the concentrations of P, Cu and Zn in blood serum (table 5).
These results agree with those obtained by García et al. (2012García, J.R., Munyori, H., Cuesta, M., Quiñones, R., Figueredo, J.M., Noval, E. & Mollineda, A. 2012. "Therapeutic efficacy and pharmacological safety of parenteral supplementation of different concentrations of copper in cows". Archiv Tierzucht, 55(1): 25-35, ISSN: 2363-9822, DOI: and Noval et al. (2016)Noval, E., García-Díaz, J.R., García-López, R. & Jiménez-Pérez, J. 2016. "Efecto de diferentes dosis de un compuesto inyectable de Cu, Zn y Mn en parámetros bioproductivos de la vaca lechera". Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 50(2): 371-380, ISSN: 2079-3480., who with the supplementation of other mineral sources, different schemes and parenterally, obtained favorable results in reproductive and economic efficiency.
The injectable minerals avoid interferences and antagonisms in their absorption and metabolism (García et al. 2012García, J.R., Munyori, H., Cuesta, M., Quiñones, R., Figueredo, J.M., Noval, E. & Mollineda, A. 2012. "Therapeutic efficacy and pharmacological safety of parenteral supplementation of different concentrations of copper in cows". Archiv Tierzucht, 55(1): 25-35, ISSN: 2363-9822, DOI: However, oral supplementation is very important for microorganisms and rumen bioactivity (McDowell and Arthington 2005McDowell, L.R. & Arthington. 2005. Minerales para rumiantes en pastoreo en regiones tropicales. 4th Ed. Ed. Universidad de La Florida. Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidad de la Florida. Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., p. 91. and Djokovic et al. 2014Djokovic, R.D., Kurcubic, V.S. & Ilic, Z.Z. 2014. "Blood serum levels of macro-and micronutrients in transition and full lactations cows". Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20(3): 715-720, ISSN: 1310-0351.). The combination of both ways for the supplementation of minerals constitutes one of the scientific and practical conributions of this research.
Table 6 shows the concentrations of the energy and protein profile indicators of the cows under study. In supplemented cows, B-OH concentrations decreased (P <0.01) at 30 DPP. The BC and blood cholesterol concentrations were higher (P <0.05) in supplemented cows at 30 and 60 DPP. Also in them, total proteins (TP) increased (P <0.05).
* P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 in rows indicate significant differences between the the values shown in each of them (t-Student)
DBP: days before parturition
DPP: days postpartum
The decrease in B-OH is due to that in the animals supplemented with corn there was less fat mobilization to compensate the energy deficit. Under these conditions, the concentrations of non-esterified fatty acid in the follicular fluid decrease. In this medium, the oocytes have higher quality and competence and, consequently, higher fertility (Aardema et al. 2019Aardema, H., Helena, T.A. & Peter, L.A.M. 2019. "An overview on how cumulus cells interact with the oocyte in a condition with elevated NEFA levels in dairy cows". Animal Reproduction Science, 207: 131-137, ISSN: 0378-4320, DOI:
The improvement in energy metabolism indicators may be due to supplementation with corn, which increased body energy reserves and BC at 30 and 60 DPP.
These results are in contrast to those stated by other authors, who show that the peak of DM intake occurs at 10-14 weeks postpartum, but that of lactation occurs at the eighth week. Therefore, the NEB should be extended for more than 30 DPP (Macrae 2019Macrae, A. 2019. "Assessment of energy balance in dairy cattle". Livestock, 24(5): 229-235, ISSN: 2053-0870, DOI: The lack of correspondence can be explained because this experiment was performed with cows that had a BC ≥ 3.5 and controlled research conditions. The latter included a balanced ration and quality grasses , which allowed them to have a NEB of shorter duration.
The improvement in the energy status of the supplemented animals may be due to the increase in cupremia and cinchemia in them.The Cu is a co-factor of the terminal enzyme of the respiratory chain, and cytochrome-c-oxidase catalyzes the transfer of four electrons to O2 to form two molecules of water and ATP, in addition to participating in obtaining energy (Gebhard et al. 2001Gebhard, S., Ronimus, R.S. & Morgan, H.W. 2001. "Inhibition of phosphofructokinases by copper (II) ". FEMS Microbiology Letters, 197(1): 105-109, ISSN: 1574-6968, DOI:
The Zn is involved in energy metabolism because the secretion of pyruvate kinase in the β cells of the pancreas is dependent on this microelement. This enzyme participates in glycolysis, so it is assumed that there is a compromise of the energy metabolism of the animal during Zn deficiency (Evans and Henshaw 2008Evans, J.R. & Henshaw, K. 2008. "Antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplements for preventing age-related macular degeneration. Review". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (1): CD000253, ISSN: 1469-493X, DOI:
In cows supplemented with 50 mg of Cu parenterally, three applications every 60 days, increased (P <0.05) the BC (García et al. 2007García, J.R., Cuesta, M., Pedroso, R., Rodríguez, J., Gutiérrez, M., Mollineda, A., Figueredo, J.M. & Quiñones, R. 2007. "Suplementación parenteral de cobre en vacas gestantes: Efecto sobre postparto y terneros". Revista MVZ Córdoba, 12(2): 985-995, ISSN: 0122-0268, DOI: This treatment in fattening bulls increased (P <0.05) live weight (LW) and their mean daily gain (MDG) (García et al. 2017García, JR., Noval-Artiles, E., Pérez-Bello, A., Hernández-Barreto, M. & Pérez-González, Y. 2017. "Effects of copper parenteral supplementation on the weight gain in fattening bulls". Revista MVZ Córdoba, 22(2): 5820-5827, ISSN: 0122-0268, DOI: injectable Cu supplementation, alone or in combination with Zn and Mn, increased (P <0.05) the serum levels of Cu and Zn and MDG in calves (Noval et al. 2016Noval, E., García-Díaz, J.R., García-López, R. & Jiménez-Pérez, J. 2016. "Efecto de diferentes dosis de un compuesto inyectable de Cu, Zn y Mn en parámetros bioproductivos de la vaca lechera". Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science, 50(2): 371-380, ISSN: 2079-3480.).These results corroborate the importance of these microelements to improve LW and MDG, both related to energy metabolism.
In the treated group, cholesterol values were higher (P <0.05) at 30 and 60 DPP (table 6), which corroborates the results obtained by Moyano and Rodríguez (2014)Moyano, M.E., Rodríguez, C.E. 2014. "Suplementación energética y su efecto en el nivel de colesterol y el perfil hormonal preovulatorio en vacas". Revista de Salud Animal, 36(2): 90-96, ISSN: 0253-570X.. The increase in cholesterolemia is associated with a better adaptation of the animals of this group to NEB, as a result of the supplementation with corn, the decrease in B-OH concentrations and the increases in cinchemia.The Zn is necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol, which is in turn essential for the synthesis of steroids, E2, P4 and T4, which favor the adequate presentation of estrous cycles (Omur et al. 2016Omur, A., Kirbas, A., Aksu, E., Kandemir, F., Dorman, E., Kaynar, O. & Ucar, O. 2016. "Effects of antioxidant vitamins (A, D, E) and trace elements (Cu, Mn, Se, Zn) on some metabolic and reproductive profiles in dairy cows during transition period". Polish Journal of Veterinary Science, 19(4): 697-706, ISSN: 1505-1773, DOI:
Total proteins increased in supplemented animals at 60 DPP (table 6), possibly because the magnitude of NEB decreased and because of the beneficial actions in the protein metabolism of minerals, especially Cu (García et al. 2017García, JR., Noval-Artiles, E., Pérez-Bello, A., Hernández-Barreto, M. & Pérez-González, Y. 2017. "Effects of copper parenteral supplementation on the weight gain in fattening bulls". Revista MVZ Córdoba, 22(2): 5820-5827, ISSN: 0122-0268, DOI:
The main reproductive indicators (table 7) in the control group had a marked deterioration, according to the reference parameters of dairy cattle in optimal production conditions (Brito et al. 2010Brito, R., Blanco, G.S., Calderón, R., Preval, B. & Campo, E. 2010. Patología de la Reproducción Animal. 2nd Ed. Ed. Félix Varela. La Habana, Cuba, pp. 1-41, ISBN: 978-959-07-1279-1.). However, the mineral energy supplementation improved the indicators with respect to the control.
* P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 in rows indicate significant differences between the the values shown in each of them (t-Student)
There are several mechanisms during pre parturation and post parturition that affect the fertility of the dairy cow. One of the main is NEB, which affects follicular growth and estradiol production, possibly due to decreased levels of insulin, insulin growth factor, and HL pulses. The loss of BC after parturition increases the percentages of cows that do not cycle at the end of the voluntary waiting period (Carvalho et al. 2014Carvalho, P.D., Souza, H.A., Amundson, C.M., Hackbart, M.J., Fuenzalida, J.M., Ayres, H.M., Dresch, R.A., Vieira, M.L., Guenther, J.N., Grummer, R.R., Fricke, M.P., Shaver, D.R. & Wiltbank, C.M. 2014. "Relationships between fertility and postpartum changes in body condition and body weight in lactating dairy cows". Journal of Dairy Science, 97(6): 1-18, ISSN: 1525-3198, DOI:
The decrease (P <0.05) of the reproductive indicators in the supplemented cows is due to the supplementation increased the concentrations of P, Cu and Zn, which play important roles in the reproductive performance of the dairy cow. In Cuba, parenteral Cu supplementation in the gestation-lactation transition period favored reproductive performance (García et al. 2012García, J.R., Munyori, H., Cuesta, M., Quiñones, R., Figueredo, J.M., Noval, E. & Mollineda, A. 2012. "Therapeutic efficacy and pharmacological safety of parenteral supplementation of different concentrations of copper in cows". Archiv Tierzucht, 55(1): 25-35, ISSN: 2363-9822, DOI:
The increase in cupremia and cinchemia favor the production of E2 and P4 by luteal cells and, consequently, postpartum reproductive performance. In addition, Mn supplementation favors the synthesis of cholesterol, and this of the mentioned hormones (Griffiths et al. 2007Griffiths, L.M., Loeffler, S.H., Socha, M.T., Tomlinson, D.J. & Johnson, A.B. 2007. "Effects of supplementing complexed zinc, manganese, copper and cobalt on lactation and reproductive performance of intensively grazed lactating dairy cattle on the South Island of New Zealand". Animal Feed Science and Technology, 137(1-2): 69-83, ISSN: 0377-8401, DOI:
Also the energy supplementation of cows with the use of corn reduced the NEB and with it, the mobilization of fat and the B-OH. These circumstances caused an increase in BC and cholesterol in the supplemented cows.
The increase in cholesterol is associated with higher synthesis of E2 and P4, which promote a better uterine environment. This favors the maternal recognition of the pregnancy, the implantation of the embryo and the development of the pregnancy (Quintela et al. 2008Quintela, L.A., Díaz, C., Becerra, J.J., Alonso, G., Gracia, S. & Herradón, P.G. 2008. "Papel del β-caroteno y la vitamina A en la reproducción en el ganado vacuno: revisión". ITEA, Información Técnica Económica Agraria, 104(3): 399-410, ISSN: 1699-6887. ). Consequently, the supplemented cows had higher fertility after the first postpartum artificial insemination and a higher percentage of pregnancies at the first service.
It is concluded that energy-mineral supplementation, fitted to the production conditions of the Andean region of Ecuador, during the gestation-lactation transition period, positively affects the metabolic profile and reproductive indicators.